
The “DNA” of Jesus Christ―Part 2!


The “DNA” of Jesus Christ―Part 2!

Last week, in our “Weekly Insights” e-Truths edition, we shared with you some of the basic things concerning the ORIGIN of Jesus as a man.

Thank God, here is one TRUTH that the Church stands on unanimously. Across the board, all church groups and denominations agree that Jesus Christ, as a human person and as a man, was the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. Due to His perfection, there was NO SIN, infirmity, or flaw found in Jesus’ person AS A MAN.



  • Thank God, all Christians agree that Jesus was THE perfect Son of God. Should anyone believe that Jesus was not 100% perfect, sinless, and pure, this person cannot receive salvation since he or she does not accept that Jesus was pure and without a sin nature and was NEVER guilty of committing ANY sinful acts.
  • Paul confirms Jesus’ perfect conduct throughout His lifetime on earth. He confirms this in Hebrews 4:15, explaining that Jesus was tempted in everything yet WITHOUT sin. Despite the fact that the Church unanimously believes in the Holiness of Christ’s Person, the FULLNESS of this wonderful truth is never clearly explained throughout the Church world. The question for us to consider is this: Since Jesus was absolutely holy and pure in His origin as a man, was He actually Jewish or not?
  • Let’s consider 1 Corinthians 15:47. It says that the FIRST man, Adam, was of the soil of the earth. The first man was of the earth, made of DUST, but The SECOND Adam, the Lord Jesus, is the Lord FROM HEAVEN. Since Adam’s fall into sin, every human being on earth is born of the same sinful seed of Adam. That simplifies the question somewhat. Did Jesus have any of Adam’s DNA? Did Jesus’ body come from the soil of the earth or not?
  • According to the verse we just read in 1 Corinthians 15, Jesus, like Adam, was NOT made of the dust of the earth. NO! He came straight from heaven! God Himself is PERFECT and full of INTEGRITY. As such, everything God does is holy, true, and legitimate. After the fall of Adam, a state of enmity began to exist between God and man. What would be the true, legitimate way for God to provide mankind with a redeemer? Firstly, reconciliation with man had to be done THROUGH Jesus Christ. As such, Jesus brought Abraham bread and wine, the elements of the covenant.



  • In Genesis 15, Jesus is the burning lamp and smoking furnace who walks in the figure 8 of the sacrifice of covenant with Abraham. Jesus made that covenant with Abraham. In addition to using the COVENANT with Abraham, the Lord would establish a GENEALOGY of many generations before He would bring Christ into the genealogy of Abraham to be born as a human. Chapter 1 of Matthew describes the genealogy of Jesus. Subsequently, through the covenant and at the right time of the genealogy of Abraham’s descendants, Jesus would be born through this Jewish lineage, but NOT of the seed (or DNA)  of Joseph.
  • Matthew 1:18 tells us that Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. In Luke 1:35, we hear the announcement of the angel speaking to Mary about her forthcoming pregnancy. The angel that said the Holy Spirit will come upon you and overshadow you; therefore, the one that would be born shall be called the Son of God. According to Matthew 1:18, Jesus would not be conceived by the seed of Joseph. If He were, He would be as sinful as any human person. That leaves only Mary to be considered. The Church never explains this part. If Jesus was conceived by the DNA of Mary, He would also be as sinful as any human person.
  • Paul says, Jesus was not of the soil but came straight from heaven. The gospels tell us that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. In Hebrews 10:5, Paul confirms the fact that Jesus did not derive His DNA from either Joseph or Mary. Here in Hebrews 10, Paul says that A BODY would be prepared for Jesus, which is exactly what happened when Mary’s pregnancy was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
  • Here is the conclusion of this whole matter that no one ever talks about or is willing to admit. Jesus was not conceived of the earth or man’s DNA. Jesus could not be conceived by even the smallest amount of man’s DNA. He would still have been sinful and imperfect. Jesus was not conceived by either Joseph’s or Mary’s DNA! The Holy Spirit prepared His body in Mary’s womb. Then the Holy Spirit took Jesus from heaven and placed Him inside the body in Mary’s womb. This is the truth, and it is so simple and easy to understand.
  • Concerning Jesus’ journey into the earth, He had to come through the covenant and through the lineage or the descendants of that covenant. But He could not partake of the SEED of that covenant. Now we see it clearly! Jesus had NO human DNA from Adam. Jesus was conceived independently and separate from man’s DNA. As such, He became a second and NEW species of a NEW ORDER of mankind. Here’s the bottom line.
      • Jesus came supernaturally from heaven.
      • He was holy and pure.
      • He was the second creation of mankind. He was the creation and the beginning of a NEW human race—a new species of man, a NEW ORDER or a NEW CREATURE.
  • In the new birth of our human spirit, we inwardly become a NEW CREATION in the likeness in which Jesus became a NEW CREATION of man, as found in 2 Corinthians 5:17: If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (a new species of spirit man―human spirit). This happened to Jesus FIRST. In spirit, Jesus was born again in hell and became the FIRST begotten (born) of the dead (as such, He was the FIRST to be born again in spirit unto eternal life). This is confirmed in Revelation 1:5, which says: “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth…”
  • So Jesus was NOT Jewish. He came through the covenant and through the order and line of descendancy. The rest was totally supernatural. No human DNA. No Jewish DNA. Jesus was NOT Jewish! If He were, He would be sinful like all the descendants of Abraham, including every human being on earth.
  • Thank God, in His creation as a man, Jesus was PURE, PERFECT, POWERFUL, SPOTLESS, SINLESS, AND BLAMELESS! Our Lord Jesus Christ is the NEW creation of man, a SECOND order of mankind. When we receive Jesus and become born again, our spirits partake of the holiness of Christ and of His resurrected life for all eternity, in Jesus’ name! AMEN!

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