
IMPORTANT: “Weekly Insights” e-Truths 10/09/24 Edition Suspended!


E-Truths 10/09/2024 Edition Suspended!

We here at GHM are suspending our “Weekly Insights” e-Truths newsletter for this week due to the Hurricane Milton emergency we are facing.

Everybody please pray for us here in Florida!

God bless.


Recent Weekly Insights

Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!

Past Updates


WEEKLY INSIGHTS ...E-news from the Desk of Apostle Gabriel Heymans We’re experiencing one of the greatest seasons of change at Gabriel Heymans Ministries! From our powerfully anointed new books -- to our spirited Sunday broadcasts -- to our revelatory “Weekly...

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The “WOW” Moment – Gold and Glory Vision

Yesterday, Tuesday August 17, marked the 28th anniversary of a spectacular experience I had with the Lord. What’s so amazing about the Lord’s perfect timing is that we began writing God’s Gold & Glory Revolution exactly 25 years since I experienced this...

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Latest Happenings

GET READY FOR OUR NEW LOOK! We’re in the process of taking Gabriel Heymans Ministries (GHM) to a new level! This transformation includes a fresh new website, the financial restructuring and expanded social media presence to highlight our collection of ministry tools...

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Restoration and Preparation!

It is the joy of our ministry to answer God's call to prepare the Church for the soon coming, end time revolution of Gold and Glory! On our last broadcast titled “Transformed from Glory to Glory 8-1-2021," we talked about three primary phases of God's end time plan,...

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We’re Making History

We're doing something that’s never been done before. Last year, we published the first comprehensive end-time discourse of God's conclusive plan for the Church age (God's Gold & Glory Revolution). The end is now in sight! GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 1: According...

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Revelations About Jesus Christ

The life of Jesus is still filled with mysteries for 2,000 years after He left this earth. The greatest miracle is to understand how Jesus came from heaven to be born as one of us, a human being. His life and ministry in Israel are shrouded with secrets. The many...

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Going to Heaven

Over the past year, the Lord has completely exposed to us the entire system of antichrist Christianity and its control through the antichrist spirit. No wonder the Christian life is ineffective and dysfunctional, whereas it's only the grace of God that's carried us to...

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The Judgement of the Church Has Begun!

Last Sunday's program was the most desperate ministry broadcast I’ve ever done. Over the years, the Lord has been faithfully walking me through the progression of His end-time plan for the Church. Especially since 2008, I’ve brought the Lord’s progressive plan for the...

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