Oct 6, 2021


…E-news from the Desk of Apostle Gabriel Heymans

For starters, we should ask this question: What is the GLORY of God?

The glory of God itself has always mystified the Church as some “pie in the sky,” or some wonderful thing that we can’t really know or touch.

GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 1Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

  • Every time we sense God’s anointing or the Lord touches us, we associate that with God’s glory, and limitedly that is true.
  • The glory of the Lord is the divine commodity inside Him that makes Him God: immortalindestructible and eternal.
  • Years ago, Holy Spirit began to talk to me about the blood of God—not the blood of Jesus—the blood of God. Holy Spirit then explained to me that God’s blood is the liquid glory of life in His veins.
  • We have natural blood flowing in our veins, but God has eternal life flowing in His veins.
  • It is impossible for the Lord to just pour His glory on us. If he does, then we would be like Moses, and die on the spot. But the Lord has a brilliant plan. Jesus promised the infilling of God’s glory after He departed from Earth.
  • This glory, according to Jesus and the apostles in their writings, will be poured into the Church in these last days. So, the plan to achieve this is profound, but simple.
  • Since the Church talks about these great commodities in God all the time, she tends to water down the greatness of everything that is in God, including His glory.
  • Therefore, in order for the Lord to pour any amount of His glory in us in these last days, something special has to take place, even before He can pour any of His glory into us.


GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 2Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

  • In this regard, the Lord has promised us His FIRE, and Paul also describes to us the reality of being filled with God’s Fire in these last days (Hebrews 12:26-29). God’s fire will be poured into us in these last days and completely purify us to a place of perfection.
  • Indeed, we will come into the fullness of measure of the stature of Christ. HOW?
    • Through the miraculous purification of God’s fire that the Church will receive first.
    • It is then that God will do the unthinkable, by pouring His liquid glory into OUR VEINS, in order to raise up a glorious Church for the last day revival.
    • This miracle will be one of the greatest miracles that God will ever perform in this earth.
  • He’s not doing that to show off, oh no, there’s a divine purpose in it. It’s a two-fold purpose:
    1. To make us perfect, like Jesus is perfect, and to show the world the miracle of a completely glorious Church, looking and being just like Jesus. So, the first reason for the glory is God’s exhibition of this miracle, for all the world to see, including the devil.
    2. To elevate the Church to total dominion, which is a greater dominion than what Adam possessed in the beginning. The glorious Church will then assume complete dominion over all the earth, and we will take over the earth, gathering for the Lord His harvest of billions of people!
  • Oh YES, there’s going to be a glorious Church—no doubt about it!
  • The vital questions to ask yourself are:
    1. Will you be a part of it?
    2. Will you at this time begin to walk towards that glory?
    3. Will you pay the price to become the glorious Church of the last days?

TRUE Christian Living, our follow up book to TRUE Christianity, is at the printer’s, prepping for publishing! 

We’ll keep you posted on our release date—so stay tuned.

This book is TRULY the “how to” for living A REALITY WALK WITH HOLY SPIRIT!!



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