Oct 26, 2021


…E-News from the Desk of Apostle Gabriel Heymans


The greatness and the depth of the person of God is something that is impenetrable by the human mind. Having said that, the Word of God provides us with a lot of insight into the great mystery of God: 1) Father, 2) Son and, 3) Holy Spirit.

As I just mentioned, the first obstacle in understanding the Lord is the impenetrable depth of His person. Secondly, is the fact that God exists in three persons.

GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 1:Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

  • To us, living in a material world, we can only discern natural objects with our mind.
  • We cannot see into the spirit world with our mind, so naturally, one is one and three is three—and one is not three and three is not one. To us, this is a paradox:
    • How can one be three and three be one?
    • How can God be one God, yet exist in different persons?
  • However, we see clearly in the Word that this reality is true:
    • God the Father sits on the throne of heaven.
    • Presently the Lord Jesus is seated at His right hand.
    • Holy Spirit, the third person of God, is the only Person in the Godhead who exhibits omnipresence.
    • This means that wherever there is existence or creation, Holy Spirit is there. Again, this freaks out our mind!
  • As limited as our mind is in understanding the complex triune existence of God in three persons, our born-again human spirit on the other hand is able to process the great reality of God existing in three persons.
  • What is impossible for our natural mind to understand is something our born-again human spirit is perfectly capable of doing. In fact, the born-again human spirit of every Christian is fully capable of receiving all spiritual truth and grasp it.
  • What is impossible for the human mind becomes more than information, just information in our spirit, it becomes revelation.

GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 2:Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

  • What is revelation? It is the realities of God that live in our spirit and grow stronger each day. It is like your salvation. It is almost like a balloon inside you that blows up bigger and bigger every day.
  • The reality of your salvation in your spirit is like that balloon that keeps growing bigger and stronger inside you since your salvation. Every time Holy Spirit plants a revelation in you, it will do the same. It will keep growing stronger and bigger day by day.
  • The revelation of knowing the three Persons in the Godhead is something the Church desperately needs today. Even in our mind, we need the limited understanding that we can receive in our thinking faculties about the Godhead.
  • It is impossible for us to live a victorious Christian life without having both revelation and understanding of the three Persons of God. Likewise, it is impossible for us to live victoriously in this life without finding that unity within our tripartite man—spirit, soul and body.
  • I want to especially invite you to WATCH our broadcast this Sunday, October 31 at 5:00 p.m.
  • With the help of Holy Spirit, I will bring the message of the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and how to relate to all three Persons of the Godhead in your Christian walk.
  • I believe this is going to answer so many questions and clear up so many problems that confuse God’s people in relation to the three Persons of God.
    • I am asking the Lord for understanding and wisdom in our mind and revelation in our spirit as we take a fresh look into the three Persons of God.
    • I know that the Lord is going to use this message to clear up problems in this area that God’s people have struggled with forever.
    • Tell people about this broadcast on Sunday as we gather together to look into some of the most fascinating things about our God.
  • I believe many lives will be changed this Sunday through Holy Spirit’s teaching. I can hardly wait! See you then!


TRUE Christian Living, our follow up book to TRUE Christianity, is in the process of being published!

Stay tuned for details on our release date.

This book is TRULY the “how to” for living A REALITY WALK WITH HOLY SPIRIT!!


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