Weekly Insights

Our Moments of Great Glory — Part 2!

Our Moments of Great Glory -- Part 2! The rebirth of Israel as a nation in May 1948 introduced the world to the final generation of the 2,000-year Church era. This final generation of the Church would be a time packed with various incidents of last-day prophecy. These...

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Our Moments of Great Glory!

Our Moments of Great Glory! Time itself is one of the most important things about natural life. The Lord introduced time with the creation of Adam. He said, “let there be light,” thus time was introduced with the creation of light. The Earth was scheduled to have a...

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The Greatest Human Miracle of All Time!

The Greatest Human Miracle of All Time! The creative acts of God over billions of years have spanned the universe. Earth itself has experienced 2 different creations: the pre-Adamic creation and, the present creation of mankind which started with Adam. The planet...

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Recent Weekly Insights

Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!