Weekly Insights


Shocking!  In many ways life can produce “shocking” moments. Thankfully, they are not all bad. Some shocking experiences could vary from being wonderful to being SO shocking, it could knock your mind out of your skull. For instance, winning the lottery at...

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Will You Dare to Believe God?

Will You Dare to Believe God?  Believing God is at the heart of ALL Christianity. Believing is who we are—we are believers! We first believed in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the salvation of man. We believe in being born again with His eternal life. We believe that...

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The Critical Point in Time!

The Critical Point in Time!  During the last two Sunday broadcasts, the Lord has refocused our attention on TIME itself. Naturally, time expires automatically every second of the day and night. This continual system of time was put in place by the Lord at the...

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The Importance of God’s Prophetic Times!

The Importance of God's Prophetic Times!  The Bible shows us that God preplanned ALL of His future creations and actions. It is called predestination. It simply means that God has already traveled through time to the end of time to establish and secure ALL creation...

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