Truth is a Person, Not a Doctrine!
Truth is a Person, Not a Doctrine!
Having spent my whole life in the Church environment, I believe there are two reasons why the Church is not walking with Holy Spirit. Here is the first reason. Many Christians like me were raised in the Church. As young children we were schooled in the “doctrines of the Church.” It is almost impossible to change this Christian belief system since it totally brainwashed us from the time of our childhood.
Here is the second reason. It is of such vital importance that individually we ask the Lord every day to prepare our mind and specifically our intellect to receive what the Lord wants to enlighten us with day by day (Ephesians 1:18). I am sure you can relate to this.
- Personally, I recall many such times through the years that suddenly the Lord would tell me something which I had first asked Him about 10 years before. As this continued to happen to me, I began to seek the Lord’s understanding. I was shocked to learn that the reason for delaying so many answers to my questions was that I was not mentally prepared to receive the truth, at first. Once I understood the importance of preparation, I began to ask the Lord every day to prepare me MENTALLY AND INTELLECTUALLY for everything that He would show me in the future! Simultaneously, we also need to ask Holy Spirit to do the same work of preparation in our spirits on a daily basis. Sadly so, most of God’s children today are lacking spirit revelation and ALSO intellectual illumination in their lives for the very reason I just mentioned.
- Today, we are bringing you the second lesson in our quick study on the Person of God’s Holy Spirit. Please take a moment to revisit our first lesson, “Weekly Insights” e-Truths 11/13/2024 Edition. Remember the journey we are on at the moment. We compared it to different pathways or even to mountain climbing. Pathway number one was TIME. Pathway number two was the DNA of Jesus. HOLY SPIRIT is pathway number three on this journey. Our fourth and final pathway after Holy Spirit will be the LAST DAYS.
- The relationship between Holy Spirit and the believer is NOT part of the traditional Christian doctrine that was drilled into us children. It took me a long time to understand that teaching the Church about Holy Spirit relationship is something ENTIRELY FOREIGN and unknown to the Church. Many years ago, when I began teaching on Holy Spirit, it surprised me greatly how little the Church knew about Holy Spirit. He was like the man from Mars! Nobody knew Holy Spirit, talked about Him, referenced Him, loved Him, or even mentioned Him. My Lord! It was like teaching a gospel from another universe!!
- In those beginning days, the people would even interrupt me at times when I said Holy Spirit, and they would say “Jesus.” That was the first hurdle—nobody seemed to know that Jesus had left the room, the house, the city, THE PLANET! I did not know that Jesus’ departure from the earth was some sort of secret. So, I would go everywhere and teach on Holy Spirit and announce every day to my audience that Jesus had left us just like He promised. He ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Father, where He is still seated today! The New Testament contains a total of 22 scriptures confirming that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. How does the Church manage daily to sidestep or ignore 22 scriptures?
- The LIE that Jesus is on the earth, and He is omnipresent is one of the most powerful demonic strongholds of a false doctrine of Christianity. Christians would get mad at me for saying that Jesus was in heaven and NOT ON THE EARTH. The resistance against this truth that Jesus is actually in heaven was supernaturally evil and still is today. Many Christians who have followed this ministry over the years are still caught in this LIE. Although they have heard me preach this a thousand times, nothing changes until we ACT on the REAL TRUTH, which is that Jesus is in heaven and Holy Spirit IS OMNIPRESENT. Jesus is glorified (seated in heaven). Again, Holy Spirit IS OMNIPRESENT!
- Thank God the Church believes that Jesus is TRUTH and God’s Word is TRUTH. In both the written and spoken Word of God, Jesus is the Person of the Word. Thank God; as Christians, we all believe the truth about Jesus. But it ends right there. I have always jokingly referred to John 14–17 as the “forbidden chapters” of John’s gospel. But really, it is not a joke; it is TRUE. In many years and several thousand teaching sessions on the Person of Holy Spirit (John 14–17), I would repeatedly ask my audience this question. Raise your hand if you have ever read John 14–17. The response: NO HANDS. The antichrist spirit for 2,000 years has successfully deceived the Church, somehow convinced her not to read these amazingly powerful four chapters of John’s gospel!
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: The Greatest Moments in History! 11-17-2024.
- Click to watch our new short clip, entitled: Spotlight: God’s Last-Day Restoration Plan! 11-19-24.
- So, we are here again today, talking about a pathway. We are breaking fallow ground, opening up a new walkway here, and talking about the PERSON of Holy Spirit. Jesus, who is the TRUTH, spoke to the disciples about His Holy Spirit. In John 16:13, Jesus called or referred to Holy Spirit as THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, who will lead us into ALL TRUTH. Jesus went to be with the Father, yet we received Holy Spirit as His substitute. In Jesus’ place, we receive not a doctrine, not a tongue, not a fire, but a PERSON, who is also GOD—WHO IS ALSO A PERSON OF TRUTH! Christianity is observed as an intellectual exercise. We do Christianity the same way we do everything in life, EXCLUSIVELY with our human mind.
- So, to the Church at large, Christianity is a set of doctrines, scriptures, teachings, theories, concepts, discussions, and comprehensions. Conclusively, to the Church, truth is doctrines, scriptures, teachings, etc., because Christianity is doctrine without any personal experiences. That’s why hardly anybody in the Church reads and believes John 14–17! Because Christians are not looking for some existential experience after they are born again. To the Church, being born again is the only real experience with God. After that, it’s all theory, except for the Pentecostals, who believe in the experience of the baptism of the Spirit. That’s it! However, truth is not a doctrine; it is a PERSON. Jesus is the TRUTH in Person! Father God is the TRUTH in Person. Holy Spirit is the TRUTH in PERSON because all the truth of God is in Person, not in a set of doctrines.
- So here we go again. Yet one more time I am preaching a DIFFERENT gospel. I am not preaching the gospel of paper but of power; not a principle, but the PERSON Himself. Jesus promised His disciples that He would send them His Holy Spirit and that He, Holy Spirit, would lead not only the disciples but also all born-again believers in the future. Indeed, Holy Spirit would guide us into ALL TRUTH. We’re not offering the Church a different angle of truth here. For over 40 years, I have preached a REPLACEMENT GOSPEL, which says that Holy Spirit LIVES INSIDE the believer. Holy Spirit is THE Person of God in the earth, neither Jesus nor the Father. What I am saying here may just sound simple and completely repetitive. We are talking here about COMPLETELY replacing a theoretical version of Christianity with the living PERSON of true Christianity. He is Holy Spirit, the third Person of God.
- We have now reached the point of no return. From this point on, I feel like my hands are tied. Through all the years of my ministry, I have brought this truth of true Christianity to the Church. But every time after teaching it, I realized that I could do no more. This is where the teaching ministry ends. From this point forward, it is up to you as the believer to say, “I see the truth. Jesus said it. I want to experience HIM (Holy Spirit).”
- Starting a relationship with Holy Spirit in Person is like getting saved at first. You believed in Jesus. You received His salvation. The burden of sin fell away, and everything changed. Then it’s time for experience number two. Again, experience number one is salvation. Experience number two is being filled with Holy Spirit (baptized with Holy Spirit). Then comes experience number three, which is a personal call to Holy Spirit Himself. This happens when you invite Him to show HIMSELF to you. At the same time, also tell Him that you seek His friendship and offer Him yours. Then, start talking to Him every day, little by little. As you begin to talk to Holy Spirit in Person, be bold and share your heart with Him and tell Him all about your life―the good and the bad―ALL of it.
- Ask Holy Spirit every day and say,
“Holy Spirit, please walk me into the perfect destiny of the Father for my life. Holy Spirit, you are my Friend, my Comforter, and my Guide. Thank you for walking me into everything that God has in store for me today. Thank you, Holy Spirit. I will be victorious in everything. Yes, I will take the time to talk to you, Holy Spirit. Subsequently, I will become victorious in everything in my life, in Jesus’ name, because ‘greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world.’ The greater One is within me, and HE IS MY FRIEND. He is God, the Holy Spirit, Present in Person and in power in all of my life, in Jesus’ name, amen!”
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