Today’s Church―God’s Specially Chosen People!

Oct 10, 2023

Today’s Church―God’s Specially Chosen People!

Life in general is lived by Christian and non-Christian, both believing that they have chosen the right God. In the Church world, we have received a lot of new knowledge and truth―even at this critical hour of time.

The Bible says that the world lies in darkness and so do all people who are not born again through Jesus’ salvation. Blindness concerning any issue of life, Christian or secular, comes from  the kingdom of darkness who is responsible for ALL forms of darkness in the earth at ANY time.



  • Darkness is the forerunner to the devil’s plan of deceiving the whole world. Factions of the Church around the world preach a traditional message to the Church, but in modern times, the darkness of the world and the deception of the Church has reached its peak. Again, most of the Church of the Lord also lies in deception, thus enabling satan to deceive them into establishing a form of anti-Christianity which in turn completely excludes Holy Spirit from the Church!
  • Please refer to our foundational book, TRUE Christianity, which is God’s urgent call to the Church to discover TRUE life in God’s Holy Spirit, thus rejecting all types of antichrist Christianity.
  • Since the Church at large does not preach salvation through a new birth experience, the new birth of salvation is proof of everything which Jesus had done for us on the earth. But sadly so, spiritual darkness has taken over much of the Church. Remember spiritual blindness is the older brother of deception―  one creates a darkened Christianity and the other carries out all the confusion. To her detriment, the Church has always fallen prey to the devil’s tricks and schemes of believing his half-truths—originally PURE truth from the Lord.
  • The soon coming global outpouring of God’s FIRE will transform the Church and the world, giving every person the opportunity to see the TRUTH and abandon ALL antichrist Christianity! 
  • Now the Church has reached a time of crisis. For all these years, the Church has walked in total darkness because she removed the lamp stand or the light in the Church, which is Holy Spirit and all His activities and blessings that He imparts to the Church. Being blinded by the enemy was the easiest thing in the world for satan to accomplish against the Church. The light of the Church (Holy Spirit) was extinguished when the antichrist Christianity took over the Church! Once you have created a dark room, the next step is total deception, because in the darkness you cannot see anything. Through this deception the devil has succeeded to divide the Church around the world into fragments.


  • Here at GHM, especially through the last decade, we have brought ALL the apostolic truth, the reality of Holy Spirit, the end time harvest, and the soon return of Jesus. But we’re not without help. God’s Spirit of Fire and Glory will soon be poured out to ALL the world. The darkness of the earth will become a lighthouse of GLORY because God will restore the Church through the Fire Outpouring and then He will raise up a glorious Church for the short time remaining until Jesus comes!
  • Especially throughout the last three years, GHM has urgently carried to the Church the message of Holy Spirit relationship, and through this relationship we can actually experience Holy Spirit in a TRUE fellowship that is REAL. Regarding the end time revival, we have laid out God’s ENTIRE constructive end-time plan in our flagship book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution. We have thoroughly explained the times and the seasons to show God’s people that this last day outpouring of God is IMMINENT. We have to learn the following two things until such time as the Outpouring begins.
      1. We have to walk in the truth of Jesus’ promise to return for us.
      2. We must interact with the Spirit of the Lord in our hearts because He will bear witness to ALL truth that God has set before us. Holy Spirit is the ONLY person on Earth that can bring the Church out of the darkness of antichrist Christianity.
  • Holy Spirit is ready, and at any moment He may start pouring out His FIRE to both rescue and restore the Church to her FULL GLORY, as it was in the beginning in the book of Acts. This is God’s Word to the Church!
  • Our book, The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God, explains in vivid detail God’s urgent message to the Church about the soon coming global outpouring of His FIRE.
  • Ask God to put a hunger in your heart for the GREAT Outpouring which is on its way to us NOW! To me, the most exciting thing about the wonders of the Lord’s last day plan is that a glorious Church, a truly NEW generation of believers will ARISE and SHINE to the world because the GLORY of the Lord has risen upon us (Isaiah 60:1).
  • What a crisis the Church is in today…it’s bad…but regardless, God’s plan of the FULL restoration of all things is NOW set before us. Here at GHM, we are blessed and encouraged by the Lord to stand in the truth of TRUE Christianity and the forthcoming manifestations, as God’s Fire and Glory will be poured out across the entire world. This is reality―be of good cheer! For God will restore the Church to her original glory―God will pour His glory into the Church. Again this is reality. Salvation is a reality.
  •  The times we live in are a reality of the soon-coming return of the Lord. Jesus even referred to Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Reality. This is all TRUTH, and this is the TRUE reality of God―not the material that you can pick up with your senses―but a Holy Spirit takeover of the entire planet, pouring out all His Fire and all His Glory through the last day generation of the Church (see 1 Peter 2:9)! The Apostle Paul even said, eye has not seen nor heard about the great things he has in store for us in the last days. Starting with Holy Spirit, all falseness, death, and deception in the Church will be burned up by God’s FIRE. In John 17, Jesus prayed for Father God to make the Church one with Him in heart and soul.

The days of the GLORY of the Lord are now at hand and this message is God’s Word to the Global ChurchGod’s specially chosen people! We are so excited about what God will soon perform by manifesting all His GLORY throughout all the earth. Praise the Lord!

Please CLICK to WATCH our YouTube playlist of all 5 FIRE Revival 2023 services / Madison, Alabama. Your destiny depends on it!



Follow our “VIDEO” Spotlight, Tuesdays at 12p ET on our YouTube channel and GHM home page.

Watch our latest clip entitled: Spotlight: Your Destiny is in this End Time Revolution! 10-10-23.   

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