
Holy Spirit Disregarded and Underappreciated!


Holy Spirit Disregarded and Underappreciated!

The saddest thing in life is for people to live their entire lives never to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The saddest thing in the Church is for born-again Christians to live their entire Christian lives on earth, never to discover the Person of God’s Holy Spirit.

From the moment that we are born again, the life of Christ’s salvation lives in our spirits as Holy Spirit recreates our spirits with the life and salvation of Christ!



  • Over the last few weeks in our “Weekly Insights” e-Truths, we have embarked on a journey of finding new and fresh truths from the Lord. Thus far, we have journeyed through some great secrets of time, completing the first pathway of our journey. After examining time, we began to take a close look at the integrity of the Person of Jesus. What a journey we have been on the last three weeks! WOW!! Jesus had His own DNA; thus He was perfect and sinless.
  • Now we move on to pathway number three, the Holy Spirit. Here, we are talking about the third Person of God. Holy Spirit, through the ages, has been the manifester of ALL of God’s plans on earth. Throughout the entire history of mankind, we have witnessed an innumerable count of Holy Spirit’s diversified signs, wonders, and miracles everywhere.
  • The night before Jesus was betrayed, He celebrated the Passover with His disciples. Jesus did not celebrate the Jewish Passover, particularly on that night. The Jews needed to consume the unleavened bread of the Passover at 6:00 that evening. Later in the evening, probably around 8:00, Jesus had gathered together His disciples in a special private room to celebrate His OWN Passover with His disciples. That night, Jesus told the disciples that the bread He gave them was the bread of His OWN body. The wine that Jesus served them after the meal was Jesus’ OWN blood of the New Testament!
  • After concluding their supper, Jesus began to talk to the disciples in great detail about His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and the Apostle John preserved this miraculous revelation for us! For approximately two to two and a half hours, Jesus confirmed to His disciples that He would soon return to His Father in heaven. In not leaving them alone, Jesus would personally send the Person of God’s Holy Spirit to take Jesus’ place on earth.
  • Actually, Jesus said that Holy Spirit would substitute Him, and that would actually be better than having had Jesus with them all the time! Why? Because as Jesus continued, God the Holy Spirit would come and live inside the spirit man of the disciples. From the time Jesus left the earth until His imminent return for the Church, Holy Spirit would manifest Jesus’ salvation inside our spirits and then proceed to take up residence within our born-again human spirits.



  • Throughout these four chapters of John 14–17 in John’s gospel, Jesus explained to His disciples how to develop a personal relationship with Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul says it this way: “But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit].” The teaching about Holy Spirit and the relationship that He would offer every believer is one of the MOST gracious and glorious gifts God has EVER given to mankind and specifically to the born-again Church in Christ!
  • THIS WAS JESUS’ FAREWELL MESSAGE TO HIS DISCIPLES; indeed, it was the last thing that He ever preached and taught. After concluding this message, Jesus took His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane, where He began to intercede for mankind before the throne of the Father, sweating blood.
  • For almost 2,000 years, Jesus’ salvation and Holy Spirit’s friendship with believers have continually remained absolutely available to everyone. To me, the greatest sadness about the Church is that she has always grieved and rejected the Person of Holy Spirit. Subsequently, during all this time, the Church has been living and practicing a false form of Christianity. We simply call it antichrist Christianity, which we fully explain in our book, TRUE Christianity.
  • For over 40 years, I have had the privilege to teach true Christianity, which is the Christian lifestyle of walking and fellowshipping with God’s Spirit inside our hearts. It is with great expectancy and renewed hope that we look forward to the soon-coming global outpouring of God’s FIRE! The outpouring of the consuming FIRE of God will completely annihilate every trace of antichrist Christianity.
  • Hardly anything of this religious system of Christianity will survive the power of God’s FIRE. Only that which is OF Holy Spirit, through Christ and THE truth of true Christianity and THE truth of exhibiting a personal lifestyle with Holy Spirit, will survive God’s FIRE, and ALL truth will be restored to the Church by God’s Holy Spirit!
  • To remove antichrist Christianity from the Church and replace it with Holy Spirit and true Christianity is something that none of us can accomplish. I know; I have tried for over 40 years to do so. But thank God, soon Holy Spirit and all New Testament truth will be restored to the Church in a glorious fashion. Thank you, Father God; thank you, Lord Jesus; and thank you, Lord, Holy Spirit! In Jesus’ name, amen!!

Recent Weekly Insights

Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!

Past Updates

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Major Events Coming in July!

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