
Life or Death—Choose Now!


Life or Death—Choose Now!

We interrupt our journey on finding truth, which we have pursued over the last two weeks in our Weekly Insights” e-Truths.

We will step away today from our message on “TIME,” which we started last week. God willing, we will continue that teaching next week.



  • The spiritual and natural ATMOSPHERE or surroundings are in a heightened state of alert. We are reaching the highest levels of despair, fear, stress, and hypertension. Everybody and everything seems to be at the point of EXPLOSION. It is like…a sense of frantic despair…which everybody is feeling. The present, almost hysterical intensity of the atmosphere, has everything to do with THIS PRECISE MOMENT IN TIME, which we are experiencing now in September 2024.
  • Through our series of Sunday broadcasts during this last year, we have intensified and increased our prophetic teachings regarding the ESCALATION of the prophetic dynamics of this year. We have continually pointed out that everyone is RUNNING OUT OF TIME and that the devil’s plans to oppose God’s last-day plan are failing due to a lack of time, effort, and ability. We have specialized in our prophetic “time capsule” of EXACTLY how far the prophetic journey of the time has carried us up to this point.
  • God’s Word says that in the last days men’s hearts will fail them for fear. PERILOUS TIMES will come (at the end of the Church era, as referenced in 2 Timothy 3). Be clear on this: we are now talking about perilous times NOT relating to Israel, the Tribulation, or Armageddon. NO, these last days of the CHURCH ERA are times of danger, tests, trials, and mankind being faced with turmoil and anxieties. Everyone is feeling it!
  • The intensity and pressure in our atmosphere spiritually is like the early summer in Florida when the humidity gradually begins to roll in and then we can feel its intensity as it thickens. The heaviness continues to build more and more until finally this pressure in the sky is released through a continual series of rain showers.
  • We know from God’s Word that soon the rain showers of heaven will begin to fall, and God’s FIRE will appear in order to destroy everything in the earth that is NOT OF GOD! We are presently experiencing such an intense atmosphere of LIFE AND DEATH; a fight for survival, or alternatively, to just give up. Really, people are about to pass out in fear!



  • In the next broadcast that we will bring to you Sunday, September 22, the Lord wants me to put the MAGNIFYING GLASS on some of these pressurized issues of today. We are confirming what everyone is feeling. However, here is the reality for this e-Truths message today. Surely, the air is loaded with a mixture of an intense energy of life and death. Let’s step up and meet this challenge. Let’s face the desperation. Let’s confront the pressure. And let’s face the perilous problems head-on. Yes, everything right now is LIFE or DEATH. So, let’s CHOOSE LIFE, and let’s do it with a STRATEGY. Indeed, let’s have a plan of TRUE ACTION! CHOOSE LIFE NOW!
      • We choose peace, not pressure.
      • We choose faith, not fear.
      • We choose boldness and reject all demonic intimidation.
      • We choose God’s plan, and not our own purposes.
      • We choose God’s last-day plan of GLORY, and we reject satan’s pathetic alternative.
      • We choose to know that right now we are in the final days of the Church era.
      • By knowing the time, we choose to declare that OUR TIME OF DESTINY HAS COME!
      • We choose action—it is TIME to wake up, stand up, and rise up!
      • We choose to run together with HOLY SPIRIT through the last-day course of glory to the clouds of Jesus’ coming and eternal glory.
  • We choose to believe, to speak, to announce, and ALSO to testify to all these things we have just listed as our choices of LIFE FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW.
  • We choose LIFE TODAY based on all these choices of prophetic truth for this time! We will arise. We will shine. We will be filled with the glory of God. This time is a bad time for anybody, including the Church, if she does NOT CHOOSE these things that we have just suggested to you to choose. We choose all these powerfully true choices of life, and we choose to live them out into FULL manifestation and reality through the Spirit of Reality (Holy Spirit), for IN HIM we walk and live and have our being!
  • By walking in our human spirit together with Holy Spirit, we will EXPERIENCE ALL God’s prophetic provisions of life for us today. To choose LIFE along with all these choices of LIFE we just listed is not a teaching nor a meditation; it is a CONVICTION and an ACTION. Ask Holy Spirit to help you believe these powerful choices of life and act them out every day!
  • If we do this, like Peter says, we will escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. In living this way, we will show the rest of the Church and the world that perilous times FOR US have become glorious times since we now walk the walk of God. It is time to make your choice. So right now, let’s all make OUR choice. Let’s  choose LIFE not DEATH. Let’s begin to exercise a NEW WAY of living unto victory, glory, and blessings in God. CHOOSE LIFE! Thank you, and God bless you.

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