2024: The Year in Review!
2024: The Year in Review!
To all our readers, we wish each and every one of you an amazing, very prosperous, happy, and joyful 2025!
How do we even look back on this last year? God has shown us SO much!
It is almost impossible to account for ALL the knowledge we received in 2024. God downloaded MORE knowledge, information, and revelation to us than ever before! It is tough to try to recall ALL that God gave us in 2024. All our minds are blown, of course. Surely, everything spoken by God in 2024 is recorded in the library of our human spirits. Throughout the progression of time, God will constantly pull up some files from the libraries in order to apply that knowledge to our lives.
- First and foremost, 2024 was the year of intense and serious WARNINGS to the Church. You may recall, and we should all revisit, the seven (7) ministry broadcasts of January and February, (click the image below to access our YouTube channel playlist). The next Sunday after the 7 warnings was March 3, 2024. In the March 3 message titled, The Way of Escape! 03-03-2024, the Lord laid out for us a CLEAR plan of how to ESCAPE the FIRE outpouring. Obviously, I am GREATLY concerned about these warnings, especially as the Lord gave these 7 warnings during the beginning months of 2024. Sometimes, I understand the Lord’s thinking and processing of future events. Consequently, He WARNED us in January and February of 2024 concerning the soon outpouring of God’s consuming FIRE upon us. Thus, the Lord afforded us, the Church, an additional 10 months stretching from March to December of 2024. This critical 10-month period provided us with what is perhaps a final opportunity for the Church to accurately process the FIRE warning so that we could prepare a solid action plan. By implementing this plan of action over the last 10 months, we would enable and cause ourselves to be fully prepared in ourselves to adequately respond to the soon-coming FIRE outpouring of God on the Church.
- Folks, we are talking about God’s FIRE of judgment…what judgement? His consuming FIRE (Hebrews 12:22-29). Regardless of all the amazing riches of revelation and truth we received throughout 2024, we never received anything from God throughout this past year that is as critical and urgent as the 7 warnings of God’s soon-coming FIRE outpouring! How urgently I have prayed over the last several years that this series of warnings about God’s FIRE would be taken to heart by the Church and acted upon with a proper response. Will the Church do anything at all to prepare for the judgment of God’s consuming FIRE? Will she?
- It is impossible to properly review the flood of ministry that came flowing throughout our broadcasts in 2024. As diversified as all the different subject lessons of every broadcast were, every one of them served ONE PRIMARY PURPOSE. What is this special purpose about which we are talking? Our broadcast messages of 2024 contained PROPHETIC REVELATION needed by the Church to prepare herself THROUGHOUT THIS YEAR OF 2024, in order that we may be properly prepared and situated for what will be coming in 2025.
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: Time’s Up! 12-22-2024.
- Click to watch our new short clip, entitled: Spotlight: God’s Dominant Force of Time! 12-31-24.
Looking at the months from March to December, we clearly distinguished a separate theme for every one of these 10 months.
- In March, God spoke specifically and very directly about what would be required of us to become God’s special remnant of the last-day Church, as we see in this amazing broadcast titled, The Journey of The Remnant! 03-10-2024.
- In April, we were looking at the exceptional once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse in our broadcast titled, Can you Believe This?! 04-07-2024.
- In our May broadcast titled, YOU are the Generation of Glory! Prophetic Update #3 / 05-05-2024, we caught a glimpse of the new generation of GLORY, which will soon emerge in the Church from the fearsomeness of God’s FIRE.
- In June, we looked at the diversified giftings and ministry that Holy Spirit communicates through GHM to the Church in a very precise and meticulous fashion, in our broadcast titled, How May I Serve You? 06-02-2024.
- In our July broadcast titled, Deception Annihilated…God’s Perspective! 07-07-2024, we took another swipe at this miserably camouflaged and concealed demon of deception in the Church. Amazingly, the spirit of deception is still enjoying the running of the Church—but not for much longer!
- In our August broadcast titled, A New Morning in America! 08-04-2024, we took a NEW look at America, which was a prophetic forerunner MOMENT of the Lord preparing us for what evidently now lies before us in 2025. We are excited to see the beginning of a total rebirth and restoration of America in 2025, coupled with America’s powerful leadership from the Oval Office. The WHOLE WORLD will be rapidly accelerated to the eventual place of TOTAL WORLD PEACE.
- Talking about world peace, we covered it throughout the whole month of September, first kicking off this important subject with our broadcast titled, World Peace! 09-01-2024.
- How awesome is our God, preparing us for something we will ALL soon have a part of! October was THE month of signs and wonders, miracles in the sky, solar eclipses, and lunar eclipses, thus beginning with our broadcast titled, The Signs & Wonders of October ‘24! 10-06-2024. Indeed, the month of October produced an explosion of heavenly signs and wonders to underscore the reality and urgency of the time that we live in today.
- In our November broadcast titled, The Church’s Final Hour on Earth! 11-03-2024, God literally took the clock of time and put it right in our face—up close, personal, and powerful! The Lord said to the Church, “Wake up the mighty dead in Christ.” It is TIME to take a look at God’s TIME!
- In December, the Lord reaffirmed to us that He chose America to be the leading nation of the last days of the Church Dispensation (Dispensation 7) in our broadcast titled, God Chose America! 12-01-2024. America will NOW step up to the forefront of all nations of the world, seizing the controls, and flying the whole planet into the universal global restoration of the last days!
- The unthinkable, incomprehensible, unbelievable, unimaginable, inexplicable, uncontainable, and uncontrollable last-day glory of God is NOW facing the earth! You just have to put on your seat belt, sit back, and hold on tight, because God’s last-day fighter jet of GLORY will break the sound barrier many times over—until Jesus will step down and catch us in the clouds!
Past Updates
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