The Dominion of Ownership!

Aug 20, 2024


The Dominion of Ownership!

The Lord wants to talk to us a little bit about the “dominion of ownership.” Dominion simply means to have full control and sovereignty. Sovereignty of itself denotes ownership.

Therefore, I believe we are talking here about God’s “double” or “dual” ownership of Earth. Unfortunately, over 2,000 years, the Church has produced every and any kind of doctrine about ownership, which the devil has bewitched us to believe in the Church.




  • You may recall that over the last few weeks in our “Weekly Insights” E-Truths, we have briefly talked about different viewpoints of man’s dominion in the earth. Talk about opening up a can of worms! My Lord!! No wonder the Church lives in such confusion over just about everything and anything you can think of―much less doctrine, just anything, period.
  • Once again, man’s dominion in the earth is a dominion of “referral.” God has referred or transferred all the AFFAIRS and POSSESSIONS of the earth to mankind, that is, to Adam in the beginning. Our dominion on earth is a stewardship or management. It also means supervision, and more officially, if you would, administration or “governance” (the action or manner of governing) of the earth.
  • Let me use a worldly but rather appropriate example, something kind of vivid that you can see: the gambling casino. Imagine yourself walking in there. The owner is expecting you. He hands you a large bag packed with casino chips. There’s a million dollars’ worth of chips in the bag. The owner says, “There are three levels of casino floors, including everything from gambling machines to high stakes poker. Have at it and enjoy!”
  • This is just a simple yet clear example of real life, something we can see.
      • GOD is the OWNER of the casino (the Earth).
      • The bag of chips He hands you is LIFE, and all LIFE has to offer us from GOD.
  • The Lord has given to all of us life and breath and ALL things (Acts 17:25). So, take your bag of chips and go live it up! You can do anything you like all over the earth using your bag full of chips. But always remember
      • You don’t own the casino house; the OWNER does!
      • You don’t own the machines, the facilities, and the staff; the OWNER does!
      • You don’t own the chips in the bag either; the OWNER does!
  • But you can go “play” anywhere in the casino facilities. Once in the casino, just take the elevator and head up to another level. It’s all there, everything; but it’s on the house! Now if you play real smart, in the END, you keep the winnings. Also, if you are SUPER SMART, you ASK the casino supervising expert (available to you at ALL times WITHOUT costs) and let the casino expert “SUPERVISE” your ENTIRE VISIT. (I am talking about Holy Spirit relationship, friendship, and guidance.) SO DON’T GO AT IT ON YOUR OWN! It’s too much of a gamble!!



  • God is the OWNER of Earth and ALL that is within it. He OWNS the cattle on a thousand hills. The Lord says, if I am hungry, I would not tell you because the EARTH and the FULLNESS THEREOF is the Lord’s. The Lord repeated this statement several times throughout His Word. Paul the Apostle put us in remembrance of this earth-shaking reality: “For the [WHOLE] earth is the Lord’s and everything that is in it,” (1 Corinthians 10:26, AMPC). The Authorized King James Version (AKJV) says, “For the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”
  • Well, respectfully, we hear it all, over and over, but we don’t really ever get it, do we? I mean, really GET IT! What? We don’t really get the TRUTH, the heart of it, the bottom line, the real, real TRUTH. Let’s look at it one more time. The earth, including the totality of the whole planet we live on, this earth and its FULLNESS, which is the total content existing on and within its soil, including the air and the oceans, IT ALL BELONGS TO GOD! Did we get it this time?
  • Let’s see if we got this one now. If we REALLY understand it this time around, since the earth and ALL of its contents, including every little stone, particle, or granule of soil, ALL belong to the Lord, it means I OWN NOTHING!
  • Excuse me, sir,” you may say, “I own my car; it’s paid off; here’s the title. I own my house; here’s the deed to my house; see it for yourself. I own such and such businesses. Here are the deeds to my properties, and here are the official reports concerning the boards and their chairmen, of which I am the one. I also own a luxurious beach house in Destin, Florida (kind of my destiny deal where I am going to retire), so you see, I’ve got it all figured out, and as you see by the evidence of all the PAPERWORK, I AM RICH!”
  • NO, you are NOT rich. You have nothing. You are poor. You came into this world only with a “BB,” and you leave this world with only you and your “BB.” Note to all: “BB” is bare butt.
  • Respectively, you arrive with nothing, and you will leave with nothing. Why? Because you OWN nothing down here. As they say, in this place, here in the “third rock from the sun.” You own nothing in this “rock,” except maybe a “BB” and a rock head! People, we came out of the soil; we go back into the soil, and that’s just what we are. We are dirt (soil, earth).
  • I seriously believe we URGENTLY need to receive the revelation of God’s dominion of the earth. We all carry out some stewardship, managing our lives in an earthly setting of governance. In the casino (of Earth), we are playing with chips, which the OWNER PROVIDED us with to use during our temporary visit to the casino. That’s all! Lord, PLEASE give us this revelation and then help us to adjust our lives accordingly.
  • At the end of every day, you should go back to the “OWNER” and lay the bag of casino chips at His feet. If you travel around the casino with the guidance of the “casino expert,” all this becomes quite easy. Regarding life in the casino, the supervising “expert” will LEAD you and GUIDE you in ALL the possibilities that were previously set up by Himself BEFORE you arrived for your casino visit. It’s time to go back to the cashier, get a fresh bag of casino chips, and say to the supervising expert, “Let’s go. You decide EVERYTHING. And then let the chips fall where YOU want them.” Amen!

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