Apr 12, 2022


The art of counterfeiting a genuine product or a situation of truth has been perfected over thousands of years. Unfortunately, this art of evil has also conquered religions—and even Christianity itself!

The first epistle Paul ever wrote was the book of Galatians, addressed to the Christians of the Province of Galatia, where Paul had established a Church. Written in A.D. 48, this first supernatural epistle was given to Paul by Holy Spirit at a time when the truth of the Gospel and the validity of Jesus’ salvation began to be questioned and attacked.

GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 1:          Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

  • Paul stated emphatically to the Galatians that he had received the Gospel through a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The convictions of Paul’s personal encounters with Jesus are so firmly established beyond question, that Paul declares…
    • if anyone preaching the gospel would present a different Jesus,
    • a different spirit,
    • and a different gospel message than the one which Paul preached originally, such an individual would be accursed.
  • In our book TRUE Christianity, we established the fact that around A.D. 90, the antichrist spirit had managed to take over the Church (refer to TRUE Christianity, chapters 1 and 2).
  • However, the problem of a counterfeit Christianity being presented and preached began as far back as Paul’s first missionary journey to the Gentiles (A.D. 44-46).
  • A vicious attack was launched against the integrity of the gospel of grace, i.e., the salvation of Jesus, shortly before Paul embarked on his second missionary journey as an apostle. This was the first significant rise of a counterfeit Christianity opposing what Paul preached, which is what our ministry (GHM) preaches today as TRUE Christianity.
  • I want to personally encourage you to go back and listen to last Sunday’s message,Holy Spirit’s 2-Fold Ministry of Revelation 4-10-2022,” revisit the scriptures that we shared and understand clearly about this counterfeit Christian message, which has deceived the Church since A.D. 90—and actually began to creep into the Church in A.D. 48!
  • No one can present a different Jesus to you when you absolutely know through the New Testament Word that He is seated in heaven with the Father.
  • Likewise, no imitating spirit or demon could ever replace Holy Spirit in your life when you have personally pursued and have obtained your own breakthrough with Him into a relationship of close fellowship.
  • Furthermore, when you know that Jesus is in heaven, Holy Spirit is in you, and that we’re living in the dispensation of Grace, no one would be able to preach some alternative gospel to you—ever!  

GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 2:      Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

  • As we’re going through the countdown to the NEW revival, the Lord is reinforcing and solidifying all the principles and truths of what is True Christianity and how to live it.
  • Indeed, this is the Lord giving us an additional, fresh injection of the true ingredients, principles and realities of the life of true Christianity.
  • As we prepare for the coming outpouring, please let Holy Spirit also lead you to revisit our library of recent video messages (available on our GHM Website and on our YouTube channel, Gabriel Heymans Ministries TV), as we began to expose antichrist Christianity and clearly identified and explained true Christianity to you.
  • This is the time to cement these foundations of TRUE Christianity by allowing the Lord to continue His ministry of revelation of all the truth of God and the true Christian life.
  • God will continue to faithfully further expose and dismantle every LIE of antichrist Christianity that has so successfully veiled and deceived the Church for over 1,930 years.
  • This is our first revolution as the remnant Church, whereby God is exposing and helping us to remove antichrist Christianity from our lives. It’s the first aspect of Holy Spirit ministry of revelation, exposing and removing antichrist Christianity.
  • The second aspect of revelation is Holy Spirit revealing the great mysteries and secrets of God—hidden from us until this time of multiple revelations. This is our first revolution as the remnant Church in these last days!
  • The second revolution will soon be here also. It is the revolution of the GOLD and GLORY, God’s end-time plan of pouring out His Spirit on all the world!!
  • The Lord will raise up the glorious Church; and in the power of all God’s GOLD and GLORY, we will reap the end time harvest, and Jesus will return for the Church.

Thank God for Holy Spirit’s two-fold ministry of revelation…exposing evil…and revealing the GLORY. Hallelujah!


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  • Visit our GHM Website for fresh glory from His Spirit
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