
A Critical Moment…of Penitence!

A Critical Moment...of Penitence!  I have been deeply grateful to the Lord over the years for the privilege of bringing the things of God to the Church through the ministry of Jesus. By the grace of God throughout all the years of ministry, the Lord has enabled me to...

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How to Take Full Possession of God’s Gifts!

  How to Take Full Possession of God's Gifts!  The Lord created the human race to be like a sponge. Our entire existence is focused on receiving everything we need and desire from our immediate environment. The 5 senses of the natural body are geared this way—to...

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Our Spirit…the Supernatural Resource of Life!

Our Spirit...the Supernatural Resource of Life!  The creation of man is one of the greatest miracles of all time! How could the human mind ever figure out how God created man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils a spiritual life? This complicated...

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Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!