Mar 1, 2022



Looking at the things that are seen or the things that are not seen—this is the choice given to us by God’s Word. If you look at the world around you, you see turmoil, war, and death.

If you look at God’s Word, you’ll see life, revival and a glorious end-time destiny (click this link to replay last Sunday’s weekly broadcast entitled “DESTINY 2-27-2022).” Next year will be 40 years since I began to point the Church toward the unseen glories of God, especially as it pertains to the last days.

GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 1:    Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

By the instruction of the Lord since 2017, we began to put on paper every aspect of God’s glorious end-time plan for His Church. Presently, it is difficult to find people in the Church to look at the unseen glories of God for tomorrow.

The richness of God’s end-time plan is not just a revival, it is a REVOLUTION of the entire world spiritually, economically and financially. Since we published God’s entire end-time plan in book form in our flagship release, God’s Gold and Glory Revolution, we have repeatedly encouraged God’s people to work through this book. It is time to do so today, again!

Hopefully we can get God’s people away from processing everything intellectually in the brain. It is time to ask the Lord’s Spirit to read along with you, to open your eyes, to show you, to reveal to you the great wonders of God coming soon!

GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 2:    Gold burst favicon • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory Revolution

Although we’ve referenced the book many times, we’re also looking forward to teaching from it in the near future. Published in May 2020, this book is the most comprehensive and complete writing of God’s end-time plan for the Church and all the nations of the world.

I pray to the Lord that God’s people will begin to see the GLORY of God’s end-time plan, and that all of our future destinies are contained in this plan. YES, WE HAVE A GLORIOUS DESTINY AWAITING US!

It is legally contained in God’s Word and it is clearly explained in God’s Gold and Glory Revolution. However, to refer to last Sunday’s teaching on DESTINY, everything the Father and Jesus want to give us as His children is alive within His Holy Spirit. This is the truth the Church never seems to: Jesus is with the Father.

  • Before He left Earth, He handed everything over to Holy Spirit.
  • Please refer to John 16: 13, 14, 15, as it is so clearly explained. Holy Spirit’s been waiting on us all our lives, while we’ve been trying to get things from Father and Jesus ; however, It’s ALL within Holy Spirit!
  • Your destiny is INSIDE the PERSON of HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Spirit lives inside your spirit. That’s how close your destiny is…what are you waiting for?

As close as your destiny is in your spirit, the time is also that close! According to Jesus, we have come to the final few years of the Church on Earth.

God’s end-time plan of raising up a glorious Church and bringing in a harvest of all the nations of the earth is now before us. This is our destiny—God’s takeover of the world.

God’s gathering of 6 billion lost souls. God’s shaking the heavens and the earth. God pouring His GLORY upon the Church of Jesus Christ, a GLORY that will be seen by everybody.

This is the glorious future of tomorrow!

This is what’s in store for you and I!!

This is our destiny, and yes, our destiny is alive!!!


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