
The Fullness of the Latter Rain!


The Fullness of the Latter Rain!

People always looked upon the “natural” rain of the sky as something that was good and of great necessity. Rain provides water for personal use and for the crops of the field.

In the ancient world, agriculture was a major part of the economy. Concerning Israel, the Lord promised her rain as part of the covenant blessing. The rain would provide all the necessities of life, including great prosperity through the harvest of the fields and for the animals.




  • The history of Israel shows us the great farming industry of cattle and sheep as a major part of the livelihood and economy of blessing for God’s covenant people. The prophet Zechariah encouraged Israel to pray for rain: “Ask the Lord for rain in the TIME of the latter rain, and the Lord will make flashing clouds; He will give them showers of rain, grass in the field for everyone (Zechariah 10:1, NKJV).
  • Thank God for the blessing of natural rain and water! In addition to natural rain, God also promised His people a “spiritual” rain. Hosea the prophet spoke this: “Let us know. Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning. “HE WILL COME TO US LIKE THE RAIN,” Like the latter and former rain to the earth,” Hosea 6:3, NKJV. This is spiritual rain. The rain of God’s Presence. The rain of Holy Spirit is the outpouring of God’s Spirit in the form of spiritual rain.
  • Shortly before His departure from the earth, Jesus promised His disciples the outpouring of the rain of His Spirit. Jesus commanded His disciples not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father because they would be baptized with Holy Spirit “not many days later.” Ten days after Jesus’ ascension, on Sunday, June 1 of the year A.D. 32, the spiritual rain of God began to be poured out upon 120 disciples in the Upper Room. For many years to follow, continual showers of the rain of the Spirit were poured forth from the heavens unto many people!
  • Today, there is a unanimous consensus among Pentecostal denominations that the year 1900 finally introduced the world to the beginning of the outpouring of the LATTER RAIN OF THE SPIRIT! God’s latter rain was intended for the latter years of the Church era, right up to the final outpouring, the final global revival, the global harvest, and the universal return of Jesus on the clouds of glory!
  • An extensive record of the different outpourings of latter rain showers from 1900 until the present does not exist. The Pentecostal church at large has failed to keep a comprehensive record of the multitude of latter rain showers since 1900. Oftentimes, the 1906 Azusa Street Revival is reemphasized and talked about. That is wonderful. A brief synopsis of the latter rain season points out some amazing realities of the interim periods of the different outpourings of the latter rain era.


  • In a nutshell, since the global expansion of the latter rain in 1907, many different showers have fallen all over the world. Most importantly, every 20 years since 1907, a new outpouring of the latter rain appeared from 1907 through 1987—a full 80-year generation. It is very important for us to note that the latter rain outpouring of God in 1900 took place in the state of Kansas here in America. Every major 20-year interim outpouring also began here in the United States of America!
  • Here is the sequence of outpourings of the latter rain: 1907, 1927, 1947, 1967, and 1987. For reasons that I have disclosed many times before, the 2007 outpouring was postponed by the Lord until the present. Looking at a few dates, we find this: The 120-year cycle of the latter rain stretches from 1900 to 2020.
  • Please refer to our flagship publication, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, pages 20-21, point number 2, “The 120-Year Cycle of the Church: 1900-2020.”

  • If we add 5 years to the year 2020, we arrive at the present year of 2025.The number five means “administration” or “new administration” of God for 2025. The greatest outpouring of the 20th century was the great Healing Revival starting here in America in 1947.
  • In 2017, the great outpouring of ’47 reached a full generation of 70 years. Since then, we have experienced another seven-year cycle of spiritual drought, bringing us again to the year 2025. The year 2025 is also the 78th year of the final generation of the Church, from 1947 to the present year of 2025. So for Israel, her final generation stretches from her rebirth in 1948 and reaches the number of 77 years in this year of 2025. Clearly, 2025 is a powerful focal point IN TIME  for both the Church and Israel.
  • The Lord told us last year that the last-day Gold and Glory Revolution will start this year in 2025. It has not yet begun in the Church; however, the REVOLUTION has ALREADY STARTED IN AMERICA, even stretching beyond our borders by affecting many nations around the world. The world expansion of the REVOLUTION is rapidly escalating and will soon dominate ALL world affairs on the earth. God is channeling all of this through the new presidency of Mr. Trump since January 20, 2025!
  • The Church at large is in a slumber, just as the Apostle Paul prophesied and predicted. Subsequently, the Gold and Glory Revolution spiritually will soon be launched by the Lord through the entire Church community of the world! Both the greatness and the terror of the spiritual revolution cannot be fully comprehended.
  • In obedience to the Lord, over the last four years, we have published in our four end-time books (God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, TRUE Christianity, TRUE Christian Living, and The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God) and broadcasted every Sunday to the Church everything that the Lord has given us for the soon-coming Revolution. Looking at the positive side of things, we come into agreement with ALL outpourings of the rain of the Spirit throughout time. This includes the latter rain outpouring since 1900, the early rain outpouring in the Book of Acts, as well as the prophetic promise of the spiritual rain of God through the prophet Hosea (Hosea 6:1-3).

  • In the short time that remains between today and the Rapture of the Church, the FULLNESS OF THE LATTER RAIN shall be poured out upon the Church and ultimately on EVERY PERSON on the face of the earth! That will fulfill the prophecy of Joel, thus establishing the glorious Church, bringing in the end-time harvest, and finally, the return of Jesus FOR US on the CLOUDS OF GLORY. Amen! Thank you. God bless you!

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