The Revolution is REAL!
The Revolution is REAL!
A few short days ago here in America, most of our people were overjoyed to watch the wonderful proceedings of the inauguration of our new President. Enthusiastically, we followed all the events of the day from early until late.
To quote the words of our new President, Mr. Trump announced that “A new GOLDEN ERA has just begun in America.” A radical turnaround and a powerful process of restoration for the USA began two days ago on Monday, January 20; however, this was NOT politics as usual. We are still pretty much in shock, having witnessed over the last few years the resurrection of Mr. Trump politically—a resurrection that fully manifested in the great victory of winning the presidential election on November 5, 2024.
- This new “Golden Era” of government across the United States of America, as announced by President Trump, is also a RESURRECTION OF AMERICA as a nation. For the last four years, the previous administration, working hand in hand with America’s enemies around the world, tried desperately to destroy everything we have. The resurrection (click below to WATCH our New Year’s message, The Resurrection of America! 01-05-2025) and the soon restoration of America will be much more than just politics as usual. Evidently, the coming universal restoration of our broken nation actually comes from God. Essentially, the rebirth of our nation is even more SPIRITUAL than political.
- Personally, I have been privileged to walk with the Lord since 1979 and more closely through my ministry call since April 22, 1983. In those early days of my prophetic ministry, the Lord visited me supernaturally on Sunday, October 19, 1986. This Godly encounter personally reconnected me with a time in December 1979, when the Lord FIRST and very forcefully told me these three profound words: “I CHOSE AMERICA!”
- It took several years of walking with the Lord to learn progressively what that statement REALLY implied. Here’s what it really means. Before the beginning of time, God had chosen America as the ONLY superpower of the last days of the Church era. God’s last-day calling on America was an anointing to provide global leadership to the earth, especially during the last-day global harvest of souls for Jesus’ return. Affirmatively, without question, during the last days of the Church era, which is right now, God had previously promised to establish America as the leading nation of the world, endued with God’s authority to govern and restore all the nations of the world to peace and salvation.
- There is no World War III coming, and the end of the world is not going up in flames. Absolutely not! To the contrary, God’s anointing and authority for the leadership of the nations and the world were actually given to Mr. Trump long before his first term of office. Now at the beginning of his second term, his global authority is FULLY RESTORED, and it shall never be interrupted again! IT IS SOVEREIGN!! This global empowerment of President Trump comes from God and will be manifested by God through President Trump and his entire administration.
- During his inauguration, the president personally reaffirmed that God had saved his life so that he could fulfill his calling as our new president. Let me say this again: President Trump’s entire new administration will operate under the power and protection of this same anointing―from the vice president all the way down to the lowest form of authority in the administration.
- This great global leadership of the American president of the last days will result in global WORLD PEACE and prosperity. Thereafter, God will pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh. The Church will be filled with God’s glory and equipped with ALL the gold. Fully empowered for the task ahead, the glorious Church of America will reach out to the whole world, doing so with great power and great glory, thus bringing together the end-time harvest of the Lord! Indeed, billions of people will come to salvation, whereafter Jesus will return for us on the clouds of glory.
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: The Launch of God’s Gold & Glory Revolution! 01-19-2025.
- Click to watch our new short clip, entitled: Spotlight: God’s Gold & Glory Revolution Begins! 01-21-25.
- During my visitation from the Lord on Sunday, October 19, 1986, the Lord showed me the FIRST of TWO last-day global revivals of the Church. The first one was the Joy Revival, which took place exactly as the Lord had shown me from 1987 to 2005. On Tuesday, January 3, 1995, the Lord re-revisited me in a spectacular fashion similar to the visitation of 1986. During this particular encounter in 1995, the Lord showed me portions of the SECOND global revival, which He had mentioned back in 1986. Here in 1995, I received a comprehensive revelation concerning the LAST-DAY GLOBAL REVIVAL of the Lord and its subsequent LAST-DAY GLOBAL HARVEST of souls before Jesus’ return.
- In 2017, when the last generation of the Church turned 70 years old, the Lord began to walk us through the process of writing the new “Gold and Glory” book, which would be a fully comprehensive handbook for the Church of the final hour. Our flagship book, given to us by the Spirit of God, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, explains in detail God’s last-day plan for the nations of the world.
- Regardless of the attack of decimation and destruction, which we have all suffered here in America over the last four years, in spite of it all, here at GHM we have continued to run at a feverish pace to bring the all-inclusive last-day MESSAGE of God to the Church. Inspired by God’s Spirit, and through our weekly Sunday broadcasts and publishing of four essential books, we have fully completed the task of PREPARATION in order to raise up a handful of remnant revivalists soon to become remnant revolutionists!
- If you were able to follow our ministry through the years, the Lord has walked us through a long prophetic path into the future due to the calling of America and God’s calling on GHM. We have always strived to be faithful to the Lord and to preach, proclaim, prophesy, and publish everything given to us by God. Doing this has enabled us to PREPARE the Church for the NEW REVOLUTION OF GOLD AND GLORY, which officially started on Monday, January 20, 2025!
- THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION IS REAL! It comes from God. It will continue to grow in grace and glory every day until this revolution becomes a flood of the full outpouring of God for ALL the earth in these last days. Truly, in the days ahead, the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of God! On Monday, January 20, 2025, the LAST-DAY GOLD AND GLORY REVOLUTION OF GOD BEGAN!
- As you can see, through the grace and calling of God on GHM, we have been a part of all the preparation work since 1979. This preparation experience also includes the days of the Joy Revival, as well as the long season of drought that we have walked through over two decades following the Joy Revival. Thank God, the last 20 years gave us the strength and revelation from the Lord to complete ALL the work and preparation for the start of the NEW Revolution on January 20, 2025. Although the Revolution is a NEW beginning, it is the START of the final glorious chapter of God’s plan for the earth before the return of Jesus for the nations of the world!
- From here on out, every day holds the promise of God’s shock and awe manifestations of His goodness and of His GOLD and His GLORY. Although the Revolution will manifest physically in front of the eyes of all of the world, the Revolution comes from God and belongs to God! Welcome to God’s last-day Gold & Glory Revolution! Dare to believe it because it is REAL!! All of it! God bless.
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