The Winds of Change!

Aug 6, 2024


The Winds of Change!

Since entering the second half of this year on July 1, we are experiencing the winds of change, and they are blowing at an accelerated pace!

So much is happening in the spirit realm―and finally just beginning to manifest in the natural!



  • For so many years, we have had to spiritually push and plow―and then push and plow again and again! GHM ministers totally against the grain of the mainstream Church—always swimming upstream, blasting and rooting out religious, antichrist Christianity; apostolically preaching, teaching, and prophesying to the last day Church sound doctrine of TRUE Christianity from the New Testament Epistles, as inspired and directed by our precious Lord, Holy Spirit.

What a journey it has been! All by the grace and glory of God…

  • The winds of change are blowing—directing the last day Church to new heights of walking with Holy Spirit into the destiny plan that Father God predestined before the foundation of the earth. Let the wind of God take you and let your life flow through the windstream of His Spirit.
  • The majority of the Church has no interest in God’s plans and purposes for these last days. At large, the Church continues to live like Jesus is not coming back for another 1,000 years. Scripturally, it is quite easy to accurately identify and pinpoint the very moment of history which we are living in today. Alarmingly, the truth of the end time scriptures for the Church has not brought about a realization of the exact prophetic time today, nor has the scriptures motivated the Church to find God’s end time plan and become a part of it.


  • Here is the problem. Christians do not act in accordance with the knowledge they might have, thus, it proves to us that they have no revelation of the end time scriptures which apply to us today. Jesus promised His disciples that His Holy Spirit would lead the Church into ALL truth. Since the Lord’s departure and now for over 2,000 years, the Church has covered herself with a veil of ignorance and confusion.
  • Prophetically, I have warned the Church about forfeiting a relationship with Holy Spirit. Specifically, the Lord said to me that after A.D. 2000, God’s spiritual end time plan will begin to unfold and come into manifestation. It was literally a matter of “do or die” to become acquainted with Holy Spirit and start a new relationship with Him.
  • The main reason for the Church’s ignorance today is that the Church at large has no vibrant relationship existing between the Lord and each individual Christian—as such, the Church is in trouble!
  • Stay focused on the focus—God’s plan—the climax of the ages! Be that good solider, diligent and strong in spirit—never wavering.

Live in God’s windstream…and let His winds of change flow!

Galatians 5:16 (AMPC)…walk and live (habitually) in the (Holy) Spirit (responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit)!

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