The TRUE Enforcers of Destiny!
As we entered 2023, we are no doubt in the final phase of time BEFORE God’s FIRE shall be poured out on the earth. Since 2017, the Lord began to flood us with an abundance of His revelations for the last-day Church.
Communicating all these revelations to the Church became a race against time. God designated the final 7 years of the Church on Earth as THE time of THE last-day Revival, or as we call it “God’s Revolution of GOLD and GLORY!”
- Suddenly at GHM, we were overwhelmed by a massive quantity of end-time revelations, and we were wondered how we could find the time to communicate all of this to the Church!
- Moreover, since we expect the return of the Lord for us in 2027, we were left with only 7 years from the time that we published God’s Gold & Glory Revolution in 2020.
Within a few months from the release of God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, the Lord showed me in the spirit, 3 additional books to be written shortly thereafter: TRUE Christianity, TRUE Christian Living, and The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God.
- Early in 2021, the Lord told me that all 3 of these new books must be completed by the end of 2021. We were able to comply with the Lord’s instructions.
As you know, the last of these 3 books, The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God was published on January 16, 2022, yet the writing was completed by the end of 2021, in obedience to the Lord’s instructions. Again, everything became a race against time. How will we find the time to teach God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, much less the 3 additional books required for the Church of the final hour?
- At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lord told me that we are looking at several years of time delay was caused by the enemy; however, the Lord was going to bless us with extra time to get into more revelations from these crucial books for the last-day Church.
- During the year of 2020, the Lord accelerated many revelations of truth to the Church! Those who are the “true” remnant of the Lord were able to receive so much of what the Lord was giving us—all of the things regarding true Christianity, Holy Spirit revelation, the urgency of the time, as well as the things we needed to prepare for the coming FIRE Outpouring.
- Regardless of the additional 2 years in time we received through the delay in time from May 2020 until present, we were running at such an accelerated pace to bring these crucial revelations to God’s remnant for this time.
- Now as we have entered 2023, we have even less time at our disposal. As far as enforcing all that God has given us since May 2020, there has not been much application of the Word taking place so far.
On January 1 of 2023, the Lord spoke to me. Actually, He was sounding the alarm that regardless of all the new things we received over the last 2 years, they will be in vain if we do not start living and acting on what we received so far!
- It brings us back to what James the Apostle said, to be “doers” of the Word and not “hearers” only. The tendency to lack action is a human flaw; it is part of our fallen nature. The desire in our minds to always hear new things is also a human flaw. Both these human realities are working against us as Christians. We are inquisitive to always hear new truth, but many lack the commitment and determination to act on what they have received.
- I am grateful to the Lord for those of you who have already acted on the revelations received since May 2020. We know this to be true of some of you—however the warning of the Lord to me is clear, meaning that most of our “hearers” have NOT acted on replacing antichrist Christianity with true Christianity, and replacing head Christianity with a walk with Holy Spirit.
- Now, at the beginning of the new year there needs to be a dramatic shift of our priorities. We need some deliberate ACTION! The Apostle Paul talks about us running the race of the Christian life in 1 Corinthians 9:24-26. Our race today is the race to the Rapture of the Church, but that is NOT the way to look at it. Rather, we must focus ALL our attention and EVERY effort we make on the brief time remaining between today and the arrival of God’s FIRE!
- Who really knows how short this segment of time will be? Yes, the Lord WILL manipulate time in His favor, and He WILL shorten time to the Rapture of the Church. Once again, that is NOT our concern.
- We must confine our focus entirely on this next short segment of time, which is from today to the FIRE It is time to enforce what we have learned about this final hour of the Church. A great separation took place between the Church of the Lord and those who have the hunger to become His remnant. The Lord has already enforced this separation. It is a sad thing, but it is true.
Now we are faced with a second choice: are we people who received the truth yet lack the hunger and determination to act on it? The ONLY season of our concern is from this present moment until the time the FIRE Revolution of God begins.
- The time of the great Revolution itself, stretching from the FIRE Outpouring to the Church Rapture, will ALL be taken care of by the Lord. Subsequently, this present season from today until the FIRE is our concern, and what we do now—or not—will determine whether we truly become remnant—or not. The difference lies in the action.
- We must now become enforcers of all the revelatory truth that we have learned and rejoiced over during the last 2 years of our ministry. This truth is the cutting edge of our reality!
- Will we act or not?
- Will we enforce the truths that we have recently learned?
- Through action, will we become the TRUE remnant of God?
- Will we continue to rejoice only in what we have received; or will we ACT by applying and participating in all we learned?
- Now, we are called upon to become “enforcers” of true Christianity, of Holy Spirit relationship, and of walking by faith in the knowledge of the soon coming global GOLD and GLORY Revolution! The true remnant of the Lord are the “true” enforcers of revelation. I call upon you to make ALL the revelations you have received as your own and begin to live and walk in ALL these phenomenal truths of God.
- Over the next few weeks in our Sunday broadcasts, the Lord is going to help us become “enforcers” of His truth, and actually live our lives in ALL these truths we have received. This will also afford us the opportunity to bring some teaching to you directly from God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, which we have not been able to do as of yet.
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: 2023–A Renewed Focus! 01-08-2023.
- Click to watch this short clip, entitled: Spotlight: Time is Up—God’s End Time Plan is at the Door! 01-03-23.
- This short season of time that is set before us today will prove to be the most important season of our lives, EVER! This time from today to the FIRE is THE season where we are going to become the true remnant of the Lord, or not. Will we become enforcers or remain as only “hearers” and not “doers” of the truth?
- Once again, from our viewpoint at GHM, we will take great care to pour into you EVERYTHING the Lord brings to us in this final season of preparation for God’s end-time Revolution. I pray for every one of you that you may receive all the help of God’s Spirit to enable you to become successful in this final season of preparation!
Indeed, this final season set before us will not only determine our place and position in the end-time Revolution, but it will also prepare us to receive the fullness of our eternal rewards and blessings throughout ALL ETERNITY with the Lord. God bless you!
Follow our “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, Tuesdays at 12p ET on our YouTube channel and GHM home page.
Watch the latest clip entitled: Spotlight: It’s Time to Act—Be the Lord’s Ready Remnant! 1-10-23.
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