The Spiritual Blessings of Christ!
How wonderful and exciting are all the amazing things of God! In our last broadcast, Sunday, May 14, we truly experienced and celebrated a day of JOY!!
We began by celebrating our most wonderful and precious Mothers! Thank God for Mother’s Day; however, it is not quite enough. I think we should change celebrating Mothers from one day to an entire week, as incidentally, I did, by celebrating my precious wife, Apostle Shellie, for the entire last week!
Of great significance to all of us, we also commemorated Israel’s 75th birthday of becoming a nation on May 14, 1948. This major milestone reminded us again of how close we have come to the end of the final generation of the Church, which is Dispensation 7.
I have had both the joy and the responsibility through 40 years of ministry to continually put the Church in remembrance of this great end-time reality. And now, we have reached year 75 of the full 80-year final generation!
- Our last Sunday broadcast caused us to focus on the biblical reality of PREDESTINATION. The riches and the depth of this wonderful gift of Grace, as part of Christ’s salvation, is something SO full and comprehensive.
Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: What is the Greatest Secret to Your Future? 05-14-2023.
- Click to watch this short clip, entitled: Spotlight: Ephesians 1—God’s Greatest Secret to Your Future! 5-16-23.
- The TRUTH of PREDESTINATION is unfolding in different layers of TRUTH, right before our eyes! Our focus on the great truth of predestination in our last broadcast is contained in Ephesians 1:4 and 5. We will no doubt return to this message once again in our next Sunday broadcast.
However, let us back up to verse number 3, and point out something important and precious, here in Ephesians 1:3. The Spirit of God, speaking through the Apostle Paul, says that we are “blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ,” (NKJV). I remember that for many years when I was a young Christian, this verse became very popular in different Christian circles. Subsequently, we would be running everywhere, thus claiming all those spiritual blessings in Christ for ourselves.
- In our next Sunday broadcast on May 21, the Lord wants us to explore the TRUTH of this verse—in great detail. There will be a follow-on from last Sunday, but there is a GOLD MINE of
spiritual wealth in this verse. Thus next Sunday, when we DIG UP Ephesians 1:3, all the way to the roots, we are going to learn something that will help us live the Christian life far more effectively!
- However, in mentioning Ephesians 1:3, let us take a moment here and now to clearly identify and properly allocate these particular blessings of Christ, mentioned here. We identify them by noticing that these are heavenly blessings and NOT earthly blessings, since their location is clearly stated as in heaven! So, now let us confirm the location of these blessings as residing in heaven.
- Here is the confirmation. These blessings live and reside within Christ’s Person! That is the confirmation to us that all of these blessings mentioned here in Ephesians 1:3 are in heaven, because they are personally contained within Jesus Himself, at the Father’s right hand.
- Now, we have properly located where these blessings are, as we again reaffirm the fact that Jesus LIVES IN HEAVEN. Indeed, ALL these heavenly blessings of Ephesians 1:3 are living INSIDE Jesus, Himself, as He is seated at the right hand of Father God, IN HEAVEN!
- I am really looking forward to exploring the fullness of this TRUTH in our broadcast next Sunday! This TRUTH begs one simple question. Since all those blessings are in Christ in heaven, what blessings are reserved for us since we are on the earth and not in heaven? I am so glad somebody finally asked that question! The following answer is so simple, yet so profound and wonderful:
- When Jesus left this Earth, He gave us SALVATION; and in addition to a FULL salvation, Jesus ALSO gave us an EARTHLY INHERITANCE for the time that we live as Christians in the earth. However, even after receiving both these incredible gifts of both salvation and an earthly inheritance, Jesus’ disciples would STILL be left in the earth without Him because Jesus went BACK to the Father.
- Here is the reason why, for 40 years, I have preached John chapters 14 to 17: Jesus did not leave us alone in the earth. In His place, as a Person, He sent us the Person of God, the Holy Spirit, as our personal companion. Oh, Glory to God!
- When we believed in Jesus, we received His salvation; and so, Holy Spirit recreated our human spirit with the life, nature, and the righteousness of Christ Jesus!
- We were born again in spirit unto the eternal life of Christ!
But that is not all, because Jesus also gave us an INHERITANCE. How? By including ALL of US in the benefits of our inheritance, as stated in His Will. It is called The New Testament and The Will of the Lord Jesus Christ! It was recorded for us by Jesus’ amazing Lawyer, who is Holy Spirit.
- How did Holy Spirit do this? Easy! He simply dictated ALL of the conditions and blessings of the Will and Testament to the Apostles, who wrote them down and recorded them correctly.
- Paul confirmed this by saying that ALL scripture was given by inspiration of God. Regarding this TRUTH, Peter added this and said that they, all the Apostles, did not speak the Word of God of their own understanding and ingenuity. Rather, to the contrary, the Apostles ALL spoke the Word of God as they were moved by the Spirit of God. And so, the New Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ gives us ALL the BLESSINGS of our EARTHLY INHERITANCE in Christ, again, according to the Will and
Testament of Jesus Christ!
- Please refer to chapter 8 of our book, TRUE Christianity, for an in-depth look at the canon of the Epistles, which is the LAST WILL AND TESTATMENT of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Here it is, one more time: this is the Will and Testament of the INHERITANCE of EVERY born-again child of God, while LIVING ON THE EARTH. When we get to HEAVEN, we will enjoy ALL the blessings of Ephesians 1:3, which are the blessings in Christ, Who is seated in HEAVEN. Then, when we get to heaven, Jesus will manifest ALL these heavenly blessings to us, as He is PRESENTLY MANIFESTING ALL those heavenly blessings to ALL THE SAINTS who are IN HEAVEN—at this time!
- Now, back on Earth, what is important to us here and now, as the Church of today? In fact, let us ask this question.
What does the Church need to do in order to live a powerful and victorious Christian life on Earth? There are three (3) critical points of action to perform:
- For the Church to rid Herself of trying to live the Christian life on every page of the Bible, doing so through Adam, Moses, the Law, and Judaism—and by individually inventing our own version of Christianity based on our own personal set of beliefs. This means, that every child of God must take hold of ALL antichrist Christianity, simply ripping it out of our brain, totally removing it from our lives, and tossing it down the pit of hell, FOREVER!
- For the Church to go on Her face and REPENT before God for practicing different forms of falsified Christianity. Then, unconditionally, and unequivocally acknowledge and receive the Will and New Testament of Jesus—as the TRUE benefits and blessings of the life of Christ for us on EARTH.
- For the Church to accept and embrace the one and only Person of God who is on Earth, this is the Person of Holy Spirit—and NOT Jesus because Jesus is in heaven. What we should do individually as the Church is to enter into a lifelong close and personal relationship with Holy Spirit, who is both the Executor and Enforcer of the Will and Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ!
- When we, as the Church, perpetually walk in close fellowship with Holy Spirit, then, and only then, through this uninterrupted relationship, Holy Spirit will lead us through the course of our lives. He will show us HOW to live out of the New Testament of Jesus, and Holy Spirit will help us APPLY all this TRUTH so that Holy Spirit, Himself, can lead and guide us into ALL TRUTH.
In walking continually with Holy Spirit in this vibrant and lifelong relationship, Holy Spirit will bring us to the complete fulfillment of the DESTINY of our lives here on this Earth, until it is time for us to go to heaven—or, in our case, when the TIME comes for us to see Jesus, as He returns for us on the clouds of Glory! Hallelujah, and Amen!!
Follow our “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, Tuesdays at 12p ET on our YouTube channel and GHM home page.
Watch our latest clip entitled: Spotlight: Ephesians 1—God’s Greatest Secret to Your Future! 5-16-23.
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