The Prophetic Path of the Last-Day Church!
Since the rebirth of Israel in 1948, the Church has been walking on a pathway of blessing that will soon end in the Rapture of the Church.
For the last 77 years, this last-day journey has produced many great revivals and outpourings of God’s Spirit. The last outpouring in this series of revivals was the outpouring of JOY, which ended in 2005. From 2005 until 2017, the Church globally experienced a long season of drought. Although we knew that the great last-day outpouring of God was coming, nevertheless, it did not make it any easier for us during the years of drought.
- In 2017, the last generation of the Church turned 70 years old (1947–2017). Slowly but surely, things began to change in the realm of the Spirit. The urgency of the hour was brought to me afresh with a new assignment from the
Lord in July of 2017. At that time, on July 14, 2017, through the tremendous help of God’s Holy Spirit, I began to put together God’s end-time handbook for the Church entitled God’s Gold & Glory Revolution.
- When this book was published on Friday, May 22, 2020, the Church entered a very critical season of time. We received a new prophetic assignment from the Lord, which was to use this new book and raise up a remnant people for the final hour of the Church on earth. The three years from 2020 to 2023 were a short critical season for us to provide the ministry to raise up the remnant Church for the Lord. This assignment also included the other three new books published during this time: TRUE Christianity, TRUE Christian Living, and The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God.
- Starting in 2024, our journey became very serious, and we could see ahead on our pathway that trouble was coming. Clearly, we were heading to an encounter with the FIRE of God in the near future. We have previously talked about the FIRE of God and published a new book concerning the FIRE of God on January 13, 2022. Almost two years after the release of our book, The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God, on January 7, 2024, the Lord began to issue a SERIES OF WARNINGS concerning the soon-coming FIRE outpouring of God.
- Please click the link below to access these 7 messages of Warnings.
- We ministered this whole series of FIRE warnings from January 7 every Sunday until Sunday, February 25. These eight Sundays represented seven broadcasts of warnings AND one broadcast of explaining these urgent warnings. Following these eight messages, on Sunday, March 3, we preached the urgent message of HOW TO ESCAPE THE CONSUMING FIRE JUDGMENT OF GOD. The rest of 2024 was about coming to terms with the urgency of the hour and walking through a series of things to do as God’s remnant in order to prepare ourselves individually for the soon-coming FIRE of God. Following the first outpouring of the consuming FIRE of God, six additional glorious events would follow and bring the last-day Church to a miraculous heavenly Rapture and departure from the earth.
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: The Global War of Peace! 02-02-2025.
- Click to watch our new short clip, entitled: Spotlight: God’s Green & Gold Last-Day War! 02-04-24.
- Politically and financially, the four years under the Biden administration were hell on earth. Concerning President Trump, the Lord had shown us very clearly that he would be back in office with the 2024 election. On January 1, 2025, we entered a year that will prove to bring a prophetic transformation to the whole earth! On January 20, President Trump and his new administration began to RESTORE the broken nation of America at lightning speed. In the course of this NEW process, we are able to clearly see how much damage was done to our nation in four years. Thank God, America was RESCUED with the presidential election of November 5, 2024! Our nation was RESURRECTED with President Trump’s inauguration, and the process of RESTORATION was initiated with high velocity.
- This political, economic, and social restoration of America will prove to be an ongoing miracle of God throughout 2025. In last Sunday’s broadcast entitled The Global War of Peace! 02-02-2025, we explained why the new administration would execute a war of peace. As things continue to develop throughout the year, we will continue to speak into everything that God will be doing. As we said in the broadcast, it is a war that will eventually result in global peace.
- Please click the link below to access all five broadcasts of the month of September 2024 via our YouTube channel playlist entitled World Peace!
- Firstly, the war of peace is a domestic war against the enemies of the administration and of a free America. Secondly, this is an international war in what we call the “GREEN WAR.” This means that tariffs, and if necessary also sanctions, will be used by our president to restore wealth that was lost by our nation, but also to place an iron grip of control over the nations of the world. This is a money war, and it will prove to be universally dynamic, unchallenged, and unshaken. It will be 100% effective.
- There is yet another part to the war of peace. This war is also necessary to root out the evils of terrorism, to stop and prevent any further wars, and to incapacitate evil nations who wish to harm or destroy the United States. The oil-producing nations of the world will experience difficult times ahead. Soon, America will be energy independent again, including producing our own oil. Certain nations in the Middle East, who derive most of their income from oil, will find that the market has changed, and they won’t be able to sell much of their oil anymore in the future.
- Ultimately, money is going to be involved in restoring all of Israel’s borders. The recapturing of the Temple Mount and the destruction of the mosque on the Temple Mount will finally enable Israel to build her third temple on the Temple Mount of God. This “Green War” of global finances is ultimately going to be responsible for progressively manifesting peace in all the different parts of the world where it is so needed. Specifically, the peace in the Middle East, the one that is the most difficult for us to fathom, will also come to pass, perhaps even before the end of 2025, or soon after.
- Here are three things that need to happen in the Middle East to bring about peace:
- All terrorism has to be rooted out.
- All the Palestinians have to be shipped out of Gaza into Jordan and Egypt. Already, President Trump has suggested this option and has pledged his help toward achieving this goal.
- Israel might have to negotiate financially to have her northern and eastern borders re-established according to the promise of God to Abraham.
- Finally, Israel will be able to “re-purchase” the Temple Mount, enabling her to destroy the mosque on the Temple Mount and build their new temple.
- Once everyone has processed through this four-fold progression, there would be total peace in the Middle East. Peace throughout the Middle East would be the last territory or region to result in peace, at which time, we would have achieved WORLD PEACE. As time progresses throughout 2025, we will prophetically and factually speak into all these rapid changes and transformations taking place in this “new world” that we are now living in! This new world is the beginning of God’s last-day Gold and Glory Revolution! Everything about this new revolution that God has shown us previously was published in the four new books we published between 2020 and 2022.
- Next week, we will look at the Church and learn more about God’s “spiritual” Gold and Glory Revolution for the global Church, including all Church denominations and church groups around the world. We are making history now! God’s new end-time revolution started on January 20, 2025, and all God’s will shall now be realized and brought to full manifestation! Surely, it will take some time, but God is also going to ACCELERATE THE TIME. As for us, the Church, we have little time left to get ready for the coming of the consuming FIRE of God. May God have mercy on the Church. Thank you. God bless you.