The Fire Warnings are Over!
Serving in the ministry of the Lord Jesus is always an incredible privilege.
The Apostle Paul says the Word of Christ, the New Testament, is meant for teaching, correction and even rebuke when needed.
God’s Word throughout time is filled with some very tough ministry, such as, rebukes, warnings—and even words of condemnation against people who at times were God’s enemies.
- In the Church era, little is said about corrections, rebukes, and warnings—especially in the western world, including America, where we preach the gospel of the “tickling” ears.
- Ohhhhh, but we don’t ever want to offend the super sensitive and touchy Christian Church.
- Sometimes you may just start to bring a simple correction to Christians, and they are immediately offended and walk away or leave the Church.
For over 2 decades of my full-time ministry, the vast majority of the messages that I carried from the Lord to the Church were super positive and inspiring.
- They focused on Holy Spirit relationship, Holy Spirit outpourings, revivals, special anointings, visitations of God’s presence, healings, miracles, and divine destiny for the end time Church.
- But, as I explained in chapter 11 of God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, from 1997 onward, the Church began to kill the Joy Revival and has continued traveling on a self-destructive path ever since.
- After God had postponed the new 2007 outpouring of FIRE, the Lord told me over the next decade to start bringing correction to all the things that were wrong in the Church.
- The Lord showed me that in these last days the Church would be judged, as per the 6 specific sins of the Church which the Lord explained to me during the time of writing God’s Gold & Glory Revolution.
- During this year of 2022, the warnings of God of the coming FIRE reached a climax during the last 2 months.
- The Lord sent us to Phoenix, Arizona, to announce the start of the judgment season of FIRE.
- Upon returning from Phoenix, the Sunday broadcasts escalated to an even greater urgency, becoming an absolute emergency of warning!
I tried to explain and show some of the great intensity of the final warning from the Lord concerning the FIRE.
- Click to watch the broadcast, What’s Next—God’s FIRE or Nuclear WAR? 10-9-2022, and watch the Video Spotlight: The Fire Storm is Coming to the Church! 10-11-22.
- In the broadcast of October 9, I explained the frightful reality of the ACTUAL intensity of experiencing God’s GREAT anger in the words of this final warning.
- It echoes the same urgency of the last day-warning to the Church as delivered to the Church by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 12:25.
The October 9 broadcast was the final warning of the FIRE The next week the Lord showed me how to wrap it all up and conclude the explanation of the warning through the October 16 broadcast. Click to watch God’s Judgment Warnings End Today! 10-16-2022.
- It is DONE! The burden of this intense warning of FIRE, which I’ve carried all these years to great intensity in 2022, has finally lifted off me.
- I thank the Lord that He gave me His strength to carry this most difficult assignment to the Church throughout the years until its conclusion now in October 2022. It is done—it is finished!
Now it’s in the hands of God to execute globally, according to His infinite wisdom and foreknowledge.
Our final prayer about the warning is this,
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Church.”
- “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, posted every Tuesday at noon ET on our YouTube channel and on our GHM website home page.
- Watch the latest clip entitled, Spotlight: God’s Warnings of the Church Judgment Just Ended! 10-18-22.
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