The Eradication of ALL Poverty!

Jul 16, 2024


The Eradication of ALL Poverty!

From the time that God turned my life around through a Holy Spirit visit in my room on September 22, 1979, I became fixated on ONE particular thing.

Starting my new walk with God in 1979, I discovered this overwhelming desire and compassion in my heart to help everyone who suffers from POVERTY. I became gloriously obsessed with fighting and eradicating poverty from the lives of ALL people—not just Christians, no, everybody.




  • Soon afterwards, I learned about the GIFT of giving in God’s Word. A few weeks later, a Christian brother began to teach me about THE MINISTRY OF GIVING that Jesus has given to certain Christians in the body of Christ. I learned that, as Christians, we were all blessed by being given various kinds of giftings and ministries. From preaching to evangelizing to pastoring to church administration, counseling, and all the other giftings of ministry, there was only ONE GIFT that I began to seek after passionately. This GIFT is the Lord’s MINISTRY OF GIVING.
  • In those early times of my relationship with Holy Spirit, I would “talk His ear off” about receiving the ministry of giving. I would say to Him, “Holy Spirit, there is only one way in which I desire to serve the Church, and only one gifting that I desire to have for the Church. Lord, I want the MINISTRY OF GIVING. Holy Spirit, I know you have tons and tons of these gifts to distribute on a daily basis to the born-again members of the Church. You probably carry millions of those gifts in your pocket—ministry gifts of giving! LORD, GIVE ME ONE OF THOSE, PLEASE!
  • I would plead with the Lord about this day after day after day. “Lord, I understand that many people want to be preachers, prophets, and evangelists. That is not me. I really don’t want to preach.” In those early days, I honestly did not desire the pulpit or the limelight. I really did not. This went on forever! Finally, Holy Spirit said to me, “Son, you are called to the five-fold ministry of Jesus. You are not called to any other gifting but the five-fold ministry of Jesus, as I will show you through time and move you into different offices of the five-fold ministry in the years to come. This I will continue to do until you finally fulfill the fullness of that portion of Jesus’ ministry given to you for the Church.”

  • Honestly, I was greatly discouraged by this. People find that hard to believe today. Even the way I had been functioning in the pulpit all those years, flowing spontaneously in the Spirit all the time, how could I not have possibly desired this ministry in those early years of my walk with God? Well, it was simply impossible to imagine the magnitude of this ministry, which the Lord has entrusted to me. It is just mind-boggling to me all the time! Every time I get up to minister, Holy Spirit just blows the message through me like hurricane-force winds. Subsequently, I am the one who gets blown away every time! It has been like this for over 40 years, and it has always been ALL GOD!!
  • Everything began to change through the progression of the years as Holy Spirit began to impart to me the ministry of Jesus. Holy Spirit downloaded Jesus’ ministry into my spirit and right away began to train me and also changed my attitude and thinking concerning ministry. Through the continuance of this process, eventually, I became completely saturated with God’s love and respect for the ministry that Jesus had placed me in. The only thing that has not changed in me throughout all the years is that, today, I still possess the same deep anger, like a relentless fury and hatred for anything that is POVERTY.



  • I cannot express to you, even today, in decent language how much I DETEST POVERTY. God knew what He had placed on the inside of me. Even in those early days, I used to say it to Him. I said, “Lord, bless me in business. Let me establish businesses that, in time, would generate millions of dollars continually, so that you could simply tell me every day where and to whom to send the checks that are supposed to go out that day.”
  • I WANTED this ministry of giving! I simply desired to just sit in my office every day and write out a hundred checks daily to the persons or entities that God said. Yes, let me just do that, mailing out at least 100 checks per day. In this manner, millions of dollars would be distributed from my ministry every day. In all honesty, before God, that was my ONLY deep passion for God during those early days.
  • Surely, my hatred for poverty throughout the decades of my ministry has never changed nor diminished. I spend a lot of time every week here in my office just weeping over the sufferings of people in their poverty. At times, it becomes a burden that is really hard for me to bear. I genuinely struggle with it. After God had shown me the vision of the gold and glory in 1993 and explained to me the gold and glory plan of God for the last day Church and the world, I was SO blessed and so excited about the power of God’s gold and glory promise!
  • At the time when the Lord told me to write the first Gold & Glory book in 1995, the Lord made me a PROMISE. Here is exactly what He said to me: “Son, if you continue to be faithful in the ministry which I have called you to, right up to the time of the last-day global revival when it erupts all around the world, AT THAT TIME, I will add a NEW MINISTRY OF GIVING to your ministry, such as you have desired for so long. Due to your faithfulness throughout many years of ministry, I will then add great wealth of gold and finances to you, and through the dominion of this wealth, you will become a major contributor to the eradication of ALL poverty around the world during those last days.”
  • I want to say to you that, as truly as God is real and Jesus is coming back soon, my wife, Apostle Shellie, and I know that this PROMISE from God is REAL. We both have this promise living BIG inside our hearts. IT IS ALIVE, IT IS REAL, IT IS TRUE, AND GOD WILL BRING IT TO PASS!
  • In addition to the last-day apostolic and prophetic ministry that my wife and I will carry to the nations of the world, we will go from country to country, and we will begin to wipe out poverty in those countries, blotting out their poverty as if there were only a few dirty stains on the floor. Yes, through the Spirit of God, and with great wealth and full dominion, GHM will become a MAJOR participant in the destruction and complete annihilation of all satan’s stinking, rotten poverty all across the earth.
  •  WE WILL SURELY DO IT IN GOD’S POWER AND GLORY! Also, there will be thousands and thousands of people helping us to wipe out all poverty across the globe, in Jesus’ name. You better believe it because it is coming to pass. Hallelujah and amen!




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