The Dominion of Adam!

Jul 23, 2024


The Dominion of ALL Poverty!

The word dominion requires some scrutiny. Dominion means several things, such as domain (possession of property) and complete ownership.

Ownership also includes the power to change anything in the earth and the ability to build, establish, manage, and carry out a stewardship of management and administration of all establishments, built and owned as part of such dominion and rulership of all that is in the earth.




  • Linguistically, identifying with the different aspects of the full meaning of the word dominion may call for some further study and exploration of the diversified meaning of the word dominion. As we gain a progressively better understanding of dominion itself, we should talk about how the dominion of the earth affects us today. This dominion of our world was given to Adam when God first created him. In Genesis 1:26-28, God explained to Adam the power of this wonderful dominion of earth that the Lord was giving to him at that very moment of time.
  • In Genesis 1:28, we confirm the reality of Adam’s newfound dominion. God said to him, “Be fruitful and multiply; replenish (refill) the earth (with people) and subdue it; have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over EVERY living thing that moves on the earth.” Again, we reaffirm that Adam had total jurisdiction over ALL the earth and ALL its inhabitants, including also ALL the vegetation of the earth. Everything that lived, breathed, and grew from the soil fell under Adam’s God-given dominion and rulership.
  • It is so important that you watch our last Sunday’s broadcast of July 21, The Death of the “King and I”! 07-21-2024. During the broadcast, we talked about the power of rule that Paul says lives in the members of our body. Paul acknowledges that a struggle of control rages between the mind, which is “I” or the “self” person, versus the flesh person of the physical body (Romans 7:14-25). In the Church world, we seem to give the impression that since Adam fell into sin, he had lost dominion of the earth.
  • Obviously, Adam and Eve lost their purity, their holiness, their fellowship with God, and their Godly nature. They became corrupted in their eternal spirit, their human soul, and their physical body. Yet, where Church teaching gets it wrong sometimes is that Adam lost his dominion of planet earth when he fell into sin―clearly, he did NOT forfeit his dominion of earth in the corruption of sin, nor at any time since He and Eve first sinned against God!
  • Adam’s dominion originated and still resides within the soil of the earth. Paul says the first Adam was of the earth, made of dust (1 Corinthians 15:47). Subsequently, the “soil” that is in Adam is the same soil of the earth…certainly all the soil was corrupted, including all life forms of the earth under Adam’s dominion. Adam and his descendants continued to replenish the earth, to rule the earth, establish things on the earth and subdue all things unto themselves. This proves that Adam’s dominion of earth was completely corrupted, BUT NOT LOST!
      • If Adam’s dominion was lost, he would have been like a robot and would not have possessed any personal ability to do anything, much less to rule the earth.
      • If Adam’s fall had stripped him of his dominion of earth, mankind would have been incapable of building cities, kingdoms, and countries, including the nations of the world, and then ruling them by still having dominion and authority over all the earth.
  • Where does the whole social structure of authority of kings, princes, and presidents come from? It is part of man’s dominion of earth. This same dominion is exemplified not only in the power to rule but also throughout the DIFFERENT LEVELS and social classes of authority, which are exhibited through the social structures of human cultures all across the world.


  • The truth of Adam’s dominion has become a deception on different levels and is practiced in many different forms of lies. For instance, in the Church, there is both deception and confusion regarding Adam’s dominion. Some Christians believe that when Adam fell into sin, he lost all his authority; some believe that Adam lost part of his dominion; then other Christians believe that satan was able to take away all Adam’s dominion from him when he and Eve obeyed the devil and sinned. Then there are other Christians who believe satan owns half of the dominion of the earth and that we as Christians own the other half of Adam’s dominion because we are the kingdom of God on earth. I will not confuse the issue of Adam’s dominion any further by adding Jesus’ dominion into the equation AT THIS TIME. We will do that next week!
  • At this point of today’s teaching, please read Luke 4:5-8. If you watched last Sunday’s broadcast, The Death of the “King and I, you would understand the issue about satan’s authority. Please go back and watch that again!
  • Since the teaching of satan’s authority (Luke 4) is available in last Sunday’s broadcast, I will only briefly refer to it here today. Satan suggested to Jesus that he was the steward and king of all that is in the earth, so he offered all the earth to Jesus should the Lord fall down and worship him. Satan spoke 5 things to Jesus at that time…and they were all lies! (Luke 4:5-8)!
  • Here is the truth of Adam’s dominion: It is the dominion of the soil of his body; he was dust…and we are the same, dust to dust. This is the reality of the dominion of all human beings. Our body is the earth; it flows in our veins as blood, which is part of the water of the soil. The only way to remove dominion from any human being is to kill their body. From the moment a human being is conceived until the person passes away, the dominion of earth is within their flesh.
  • Here is the heart of the deception: Satan has the right to try and steal portions of our dominion, wealth, and possessions. Satan has the right to manipulate people, and control them, and even devastate kingdoms. When the devil attacks people if he is allowed to cause havoc, how is he able to share in man’s dominion? He is able to do so in the exact manner that Jesus described. Satan is the THIEF who comes to steal, kill, and destroy! If he were the owner or part owner of Adams’s dominion, he would not have to be a thief. He would simply tell us, “Well, half of what all you mankind possess is mine,” but he can’t, because he does not own any of Adam’s dominion, much less does he own any of the possessions of earth. The only way for satan to share our authority and share in the wealth of the earth is to steal it! He does so by stealing, killing, and most of all, by deceiving mankind regarding the TRUTH of Adam’s dominion!
  • Please process through what we have said today with the Lord, so that step by step, with Holy Spirit’s help, we can correct this entire mess of all that is wrong about what mankind believes about man’s dominion of earth.
  • Next week we will reiterate what we taught today. Hopefully, by then, you would have processed through this teaching.
  • I am so excited about continuing this next week and for us to finally get to the heart of the truth of all forms of dominion operating on the earth!

Thank you, and God bless you!

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