The Blind Spot of TIME!

Oct 1, 2024


The Blind Spot of TIME!

A few weeks ago, I invited all our readers to join me on a new journey of finding TRUTH. By the leading of the Lord, we set out on a new expedition to find relevant TRUTHS of the Christian life.

Our first step on this new journey was a quick study of “natural” time. Sometimes we overlook the importance of keeping up with the progression of natural time. TIME is something that we can lose track of regularly because we get so busy with our daily tasks that we may forget to look at the clock.


  • The passage of time is uninterrupted. Time continues to tick away second by second; thus, it is easy to lose track of time, and it happens often to all of us. Today, we begin to take a fresh look at “prophetic” time. There are only two kinds of TIME: 1) NATURAL TIME, and 2) PROPHETIC TIME. Concerning prophetic time, the Church altogether has lost the awareness of walking in step with the PROPHETIC TIMES of God.
  • Prophetic time in the Church is like a blind spot in your mirror. When we drive our cars, we must always remind ourselves that we do not see all the traffic behind us. One or two vehicles behind us on either side, as we are driving, may not be visible in the mirror. We call that the “blind spot” in traffic. The word “blind spot” means, “An area where a person’s view is obstructed or an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality.” I suggest to you today that in our knowledge of Christian truth, the prophetic times of God are clearly a blind spot in the “mirror of life.” The blind spot in the mirror of our car is a place of danger because we may not see the vehicle behind us and turn right in front of it, causing an accident. The same is true with prophetic time.
  • Over the years, the Church has seemingly forgotten about the TIMES of God. It is hardly ever mentioned in preaching, and there seems to be a disconnect between living life as a Christian and finding the reality of the prophetic hour in which we live. This blind spot of prophetic times has brought the Church to the dangerous place of having an “accident.” The blind spot also represents a deception. You may not see that car in the blind spot; thus, you believe there is nothing there. In believing that there is NO blind spot in your mirror, you become deceived in believing that the road behind you is clear, but that is NOT TRUE. Actually, there is another vehicle on the road behind you, but you don’t see it, so you don’t BELIEVE that it is there, and thus you are deceived.
  • The Church has completely ignored the prophetic times of God for this present time. Subsequently, a deception of ignorance and avoidance rule the Church. It amazes me that Jesus’ prophecy for the final generation of the Church era is completely ignored! In the rear view mirror of time, there is a gigantic-sized blind spot in the Church. All the prophetic times and indicators of time are about to reach their climax and final conclusion. Again, according to Jesus’ prophecy, we are 77 years into the last generation of the Church era!
  • I regularly refer to the time that we presently live in, and I have always preached to the Church for more than 40 years concerning every aspect of the TIMES of God. But the blind spot still remains. The ignorance continues, and the deception prevails. Oftentimes throughout the Bible, we would find the word “appointed time” or “appointed times.” At the appointed time, the plans and events of God have been coming to pass for more than 6,000 years. It says of Jesus, in Galatians 4:4, in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman. Even the exact moment of Jesus’ birth and manifestation in humanity was carefully chosen and selected by God BEFORE TIME. Yes, even the exact moment of His birth!
  • The preciseness and accuracy of the appointed times of God throughout our entire history have been confirmed many times overt throughout the Bible. Since we are the last generation of the Church and we are rapidly approaching the time of the end, how is it possible that this blind spot of time continues to prevail in the Church world? It is so difficult to just convince Christians to pay attention to the prophetic time that we live in TODAY.



  • We have recorded in Chapter 16 of our flagship book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, a thorough and exhaustive study on the times of God. All these different time cycles of prophetic times are truly fascinating and astounding realities, which show us how God has planned all the time sequences and events of mankind on the earth. Regardless of how intriguing this comprehensive study of the times of God may be, we certainly do not need all the facts, figures, time cycles, and sequences of years. When Jesus was on the earth, He preached a gospel of simplicity that was easy for everyone to understand.
  • Being born again in this Church dispensation, we have God’s Spirit living inside our spirit. Jesus promised us that Holy Spirit would teach us and guide us in all truth (John 16:13). Nevertheless, we can look at the study of prophetic times and just SIMPLIFY all the times and time cycles and condense them into ONE definitive truth. WE ARE THE LAST GENERATION OF THE CHURCH! The simplicity of this truth is given to us in the words of Jesus: once the Fig Tree (Israel) blossoms again (Israel 1948), this new generation will not pass away until Jesus returns. SIMPLE. THAT’S IT!
  • Next week, we are going to consider just a handful of these amazing time cycles of prophetic time. It will be easy and simple for everyone to understand. What do we need to realize and know today? We need to acknowledge and understand that just as there is natural time in the earth, there is also prophetic time in the earth. And then finally this: prophetic times and their events―even though neither can be seen with the naked eye, yet we must know that Jesus in Himself confirmed and reminded His disciples of the prophetic times of God and their seasons of fulfillment.
  • Here is the scripture we must take a good look at. As Jesus stood on the Mount of Olives, ready to ascend into heaven, the disciples finally came up with a GOOD question. They asked the Lord if THIS was the time that He was going to restore Israel. That was a great question! But they asked the question too soon, a little bit before its time. Jesus first had to ascend into heaven, and then came the outpouring of the Spirit through revival, and thus the Church was born. Once the Church was born, from that moment  until today, this question is relevant and applicable to us. Since the question was posed BEFORE its TIME, Jesus could not answer it directly; however, Jesus answered this question in such a way that it answered a ton of questions all at once!
  • Here is what Jesus said: “He said to them, it is not for you to become acquainted with and know what time brings” (the things and events of time and their definite periods) or fixed years and seasons (their critical niche in time) which the Father has appointed (fixed and reserved) by His own choice and authority and personal power,” Acts 1:7 (AMPC).
  • Wow, I am blown away! Look at all the things Jesus said in one answer!! Anyone who doesn’t think that prophetic times are important should take another look at this verse. It is loaded with all the characteristics and principles of the PROPHETC TIMES of GOD! We will surely look into this more next week. Besides all the revelation in this verse, it should also produce GREAT PEACE within our hearts, especially when Jesus said that the Father has appointed all the times and years of the future by His OWN CHOICE AND AUTHORITY AND PERSONAL POWER.
  • God the Father is in charge of time—natural time and prophetic time! All the Church needs to do is wake up to the reality of the prophetic times of God and get in step with Holy Spirit as to the very moment of the prophetic time of God that is taking place in the earth today. Thank you. God bless you.

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