The Blind Spot of Prophetic Times!

Oct 15, 2024


The Blind Spot of Prophetic Times!

A few weeks ago, I invited everyone to pursue a new path of finding TRUTH. We started to talk about TIME―that is, “natural” and “prophetic” time.

Once we conclude this study on “prophetic time,” we will talk about the Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the last days. These are the four areas of TRUTH that we are pursuing in these four different messages.


  • In our last “Weekly Insights” e-Truths 10/02/2024 edition, we used an example of the blind spot in the side mirrors of your car. I am sure we have all experienced this. As you attempt to change lanes, you suddenly realize there’s a car next to you, but the blind spot in your mirror prevented you from seeing it.
  • There are many “blind spots” of ignorance in the Church. Prophetic time is one of the foremost blind spots of Christianity. I recall the Lord talking to me about this. Through many years of ministry on the road, it was impossible to find Christians and even pastors who understood the prophetic times of the Lord. Not knowing the prophetic times of God is dangerous! I could not understand why the Church would never pursue God’s prophetic times for us today. So many ministers have prophesied things around the world. In the Church herself, the last-day events of God are only mentioned but not practiced.
  • Back in 2017, the Lord spoke to me to explain God’s prophetic times for the last day Church—and so we did! In the Preface, pages 19-24 of our flagship book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, I explained a few of the prophetic time cycles of the Lord for the last-day Church.
  • Looking back on our lives as children, the Church never raised us up spiritually with all the truth that we need. Prophetic times are a perfect example of one part of knowledge for the Church, yet in the Church we were never raised with the knowledge of prophetic times for these last days. Why is it so hard to teach the Church about prophetic times? It seems like there is no interest among the Church to find the knowledge of prophetic times. Here is the reason why it is so difficult to bring the apostolic Word of God to the Church.
  • As we approach the end of 2024, the blind spot of prophetic times is not reflected in our lives. In today’s lesson, I want to touch briefly on the MOST urgent matters or time cycles for us today in the last-day Church. In actual fact, I want to mention here the three most important TRUTHS about TIME.
  • TRUTH #1: Concerning man’s time on Earth, Moses declared that a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day (Psalm 90:4). The 1,000-year cycle of time is of GREAT importance to us. The Apostle Peter prophesied or spoke the same truth to us in order that the Church would continue the countdown of the 7,000 years of man’s habitation of the earth. God’s secrets of prophetic times are simplistic and easy to explain. In the year AD 2000, we reached the end of 6,000 years. What remains is the final 1,000 years of the millennial reign of Christ after His return to the earth. I could never understand why the Church would not respond to this urgent matter. We’re already in overtime since the end of 6,000 years! What does that mean? This means that at any moment NOW the Lord will pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh so that the global harvest of souls may be reaped BEFORE Jesus’ return for the Church!
  • TRUTH #2: The second time cycle of prophetic times is found in Genesis 6:3. In those early years, the Lord shortened man’s lifespan to 120 years. There are several different 120-year cycles in God’s Word. The one that applies to the Church is the 120-year cycle from the year 1900 to the year 2020. This cycle has also been completed.
  • TRUTH #3: The third prophetic cycle of time was given to Israel while she was wandering around in the desert in rebellion to God and Moses. In Psalm 90:10, the Lord issued a new time cycle of life expectancy, which is 70 to 80 years. As you may know, while Jesus was on Earth, He prophesied the rebirth of the nation of Israel. In the last days, Israel would be reborn as a sovereign nation. Jesus said the rebirth of Israel would be the beginning point of the last generation, which is 70 to 80 years long! How is it possible that the Church has no interest in God’s timetable for these last days of the Church era? Israel finally became sovereign again in 1948! This glorious event, which took place on May 14, 1948, is the beginning point of the final generation of 70 to 80 years. It was Jesus who said this!



  • It is beyond me to understand that even after many years of teaching the prophetic times of God, the Church still has NO interest in the times of God, especially now, as 77 years of the last generation of the Church have expired! Obviously, the Lord will lengthen this time at some point so that the end-time harvest may be reaped successfully BEFORE Jesus’ return. In essence, this is all we need to know about the prophetic times of God so that we can be prophetically updated to the present TRUTH of TIME! We are not talking about something that will take place in 500 years. We are NOW in the FINAL years and should be READY for the Lord’s great harvest to be produced and His coming for us on the clouds of GLORY!
  • Throughout human history, God would prophesy many future events, and, at the right time, these prophecies are being fulfilled—each one at its appointed time. But tragically, God’s people have NEVER walked in step with the Lord. Subsequently, God’s people through time have always failed to walk in PRESENT-DAY TRUTH. One great example of this is when Jesus FIRST came to the earth. There had been so many prophecies given in the Old Testament about the incarnation of Christ. But sadly so, despite all the signs, wonders, and miracles that Jesus produced in Israel, only a few people through time were ever prepared for the manifestation of God’s prophetic events to God’s people.
  • The “blind spot” in Christian life is prophetic time! The Church is still living in total ignorance concerning the present-day prophetic hour in which we live TODAY. Thank God, the FIRE of the Lord will soon be poured out! The basic TRUTH of the prophetic times of God for the Church is STILL the “blind spot” in Christianity. The Church simply does not see it and does not care to know it. Glory to God, God’s last-day plan for the Church and the harvest of the nations is just around the corner! It will begin with the outpouring of the FIRE of God, and it could start happening at any moment because all the time cycles have been fulfilled―even to the point of 77 years of the last generation!
  • Thank God, all this ignorance and blindness of the prophetic times of the Church will be enforced by God, and as I just said, it could start happening any moment now. Oh my God! The great last-day prophetic plan of God is about to start! You see, prophetic time is just as simple as natural time. All you have to do to know time, both natural time and prophetic time, is to look at the clock. You just have to look at the clock of natural time and God’s prophetic clock for the prophetic time. Both are so easy and yet so vitally important. Praise God forever more!

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