The Beauty of America!

May 28, 2024


The Beauty of America!

As we celebrated Memorial Day this past weekend, we rejoiced again about the goodness of God for our country, the United States of America.

Over the years, I have been SO richly blessed by all of God’s GREAT PLANS and PURPOSES for America for these last days! I hope every child of God can feel in their heart the joy and power of the future events of God for America.


  • I think it is so uniquely great, and almost impossible to comprehend, the vastness of God’s universal global plan for the United States in these last days. As strongly as I believe in America’s prophetic future, I certainly do not stand alone. The great generals of the Church throughout the 20th century had prophesied many of the same specific things to America, just as the Lord has shown me over the last 40+ years.
  • So today, all I want to do is rejoice! I want to “thank the Lord” for calling me to HIS ministry and for calling me to America. I do not have the abundance of words, nor do I possess the excellence of expression to justifiably account for all the great things which God has done during the years of the Joy Revival, right here in America. All in all, I was blessed in this ministry to cover about seven different nations during the Joy Revival days. But for me, 95% of the Joy Revival took place right here in the United States!
  • As the Bible says, how can I not just be “brimming with worship” and just falling down at the feet of the Lord? After all these years, I am still in AWE of the WONDER years of the Joy Revival—yes, and all God did here in America back then.
  • Here at GHM, we are celebrating the greatness of America—but most of all, God’s GREAT CALL on America. Indeed, a new America will soon arise—emerging in great power, faith, and being FULL of God, and full of His glory and grace.




  • On Sunday, October 19, 1986, when the Lord visited me supernaturally, He told me at that time that “two end-time revivals” would be forthcoming. The second end-time revival would be the LAST big, great end-time global outpouring of God that all the Church was dreaming about!
  • Today, we stand on the threshold of the beginning of God’s last-day global outpouring of His Spirit, His Fire, and His Glory! Here in the United States, we will have the distinct honor to be the FIRST nation to both receive, embrace, and accommodate the NEW outpouring of God’s Spirit—right here in OUR OWN NATION—YES, right here in the United States of America.
  • Lord, I pray sincerely today, with all of my heart, that you will OPEN the eyes of the Church that is SO blind. I pray that you will UNSTOP the ears of the deaf in the Church that are so mute, hardly able to hear anything of what we are talking about right now because the Church is completely unaware of what is about to happen. It does not even make sense.
  •  I pray, Lord, that you will rip off every veil of bondage, every hinderance of falsehood, and every blinding deception obstructing the eyes and the full view of the Church around her. Dear Lord, in Jesus’ name, please RAISE all the dead among the living, because the living in spirit is the body of Christ—the Church.
  • How we have prayed, preached, proclaimed, pleaded, published, and purposed in every way possible to present ALL of God’s present-day TRUTH to the Church of today! Having DONE ALL, we stand by grace, faith, and resolve. Ultimately, since we know what is about to happen, we say,Thank you, Lord; we praise you, we bless you for the calling and the opportunity to be here and now—right now, in the United States of America, on the eve of God’s GREATEST visitation to this nation EVER and ultimately to the whole world.”
  • Soon, the outpouring of God will burst forth all across the different landmasses and states of this great nation. It will begin here first and saturate all of America completely, transforming America to RISE and become the NEW America of the last days—an America that will be full of God and full of His glory! And then, at once following God’s miraculous national transformation of America, this nation, through God, will find amazing ways of distribution, communication, and transferring all she has received into every nation of the world—even unto the ends of the earth!

 Thank you, Lord, for the United States of America. Thank you, Lord, again, for the great call of God that sovereignly rests upon the United States of America today. Thank you, Lord and thank you, Lord Jesus! AMEN!


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Watch our latest clip entitled: Spotlight: The Rise of a New America! 05-28-24.   

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