Our Moments of Great Glory — Part 2!
The rebirth of Israel as a nation in May 1948 introduced the world to the final generation of the 2,000-year Church era. This final generation of the Church would be a time packed with various incidents of last-day prophecy.
These prophetic events contain within themselves vast amounts of the GLORY of God. In 2,000 years of the Church, nothing positively had ever happened that could even begin to compare with the many moments of GLORY reserved for this final generation of the Church!
Over the last 5 weeks (from January 15 to February 12) during our Sunday broadcasts, we took an in-depth look into the Climax of the Church Age, which incidentally is also the Climax of ALL Ages (Ephesians 1:10, AMPC translation). Unbeknown to the Church, these GREAT MOMENTS OF GLORY are set before us—right NOW!
- Since 1948, the Church has had plenty of time to prepare for these last days of GLORY. During this last generation of Grace (Dispensation 7), most of the signs of the times have come to pass. Some of these were noted by the Church, and many books were written regarding all the signs of the times which are ALL rapidly coming to pass.
- The Church has not lacked in observing the signs of the times, yet seemingly nobody is looking at the time itself. The importance of knowing THE prophetic time of THE hour is of paramount significance! It is impossible to organize your daily schedule of events and fulfill those throughout the day if you do not have a recollection of the time. In fact, throughout the day itself you have to look at the time numerous times.
- As a ministry, we thank the Lord for having taught us in the past about the great importance of the times of God. All of this information was published in May 2020 in our flagship book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution. We are hoping and praying every day that those who have this book would continue to look at the times of God, and in doing so, would not lose track of the urgency of the time so that we would recognize each prophetic event coming to pass in due season.
- The great Revolution of the last days is right before us now! For reasons we do not understand, the Lord chose us to be the Church of the last days. When we look at the Church spiritually, great discouragement seems to overtake us. The Church has never been more backslidden and removed from God’s plan for the last days. Thank God for all the things He has revealed to us lately. We are beginning to see and understand that there are such great moments of GLORY in store for us in the VERY near future!
- In our book entitled The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God, we list the 7 end-time events on God’s calendar to bring us to the Rapture and departure to heaven. Only 1 of these 7 events is not an event of GLORY. The worst thing about this is that event #1 is THE event that is of critical
proportion. Sometimes I cry out to the Lord, as I have done this many times by begging the Lord for more time. IF WE ONLY HAVE MORE TIME, WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO REACH MORE CHRISTIANS, MORE PASTORS, AND CHRISTIAN NETWORKS AROUND THE WORLD!
- Sometimes I feel like I am a Prophet of the Old Testament. I am out there on my own in the desert, crying out to God’s people and it seems as if nobody is hearing me. For 40 years, I have been a voice of the Lord, crying out to the Church who is caught up in the wilderness of antichrist Christianity. But my 40 years are up; I am coming out of the wilderness. God is gathering a remnant of His people—and He will also raise up a BRAND-NEW GENERATION OF NEW BELIEVERS, totally in tune with God, standing ready to be part of the Revolution!
- But even before all this happens, the first event of God’s 7 point last-day prophetic program is at the doorstep. It is the judgment of the Lord for His Church through a FIRE Outpouring of God from heaven. We have done all we can do and will continue to do so until God’s FIRE is poured out on the Church.
- This is going to be a time of great fear and great judgment throughout the ranks of the Church, including a judgment upon the world’s system and those manipulative leaders in authority. Their power shall be taken away from them, and in most cases, they will die in God’s judgment of FIRE, as so many Christians will also lose their lives when God judges us by FIRE. Oh Lord God, I cannot wait for us to get past this terrible time of the judgment of God’s FIRE.
For those of us in the Church who will successfully pass through the FIRE judgment of God, Earth thereafter will become like heaven. From that moment on there will be so MANY moments of great GLORY that are indescribably wonderful and unimaginably great! Oh my God!!
- Then comes the second Outpouring of God’s FIRE. This FIRE is an outpouring of the cleansing power of God, as it will burn through every cell in our bodies, creating a miracle of total restoration to the same purity and holiness which Adam and Eve had in the beginning. It is inconceivable to our minds how great this moment of GLORY will be. Suddenly, we will be standing in the same purity of Adam, with absolutely NO trace of sin or sin nature in our bodies and minds. Oh my God, it is so wonderful. Can you imagine this? No we cannot, but we should try anyway!
- At this same time, the Lord will restore the earth itself to the same purity and perfection in which the earth was first created. Oh my, what a moment of GLORY just to think that even the soil of the earth will be cleansed! There will no longer be the curse of God in the earth anymore. All of this creation would have been reversed and taken back in time to its original purity and holiness. These times will truly be moments of great GLORY—such as the world has never seen since the days of Adam. What moments of great GLORY!
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: The Cup of Destiny! 02-19-2023.
- Click to watch this short clip, entitled: Spotlight: It’s Time to Answer the Call of Prophetic Destiny! 02-21-23.
- But God is not done yet! The next moment of GLORY of what God would do then is totally beyond any understanding. The Lord will simply take the GLORY of His own SELF and pour it into our bodies and our souls!!
- And at this moment of time, we would be transformed into the fullness of the perfection of Christ Himself (Ephesians 4:13). How is it possible for such GLORY to be poured into our sinful bodies and such GLORY to eliminate every trace of sin and our fallen nature? No, we are not getting a
new body at this time.
- Here is the way to understand this: God is light. The devil is darkness. The Lord will shine so much of the light of His GLORY into us that it would remove every trace of sin completely from our bodies! This is mind boggling, I know. What a moment of GLORY this will be!
- From this moment on, after the Lord has saturated our physical man with His actual GLORY, we will be known as the GLORIOUS Church. Again, as crazy as it sounds, our whole person will stand in the fullness of Christ’s GLORY. What a moment of GLORY! There is so much to say about this. Go back and read chapter 8 of God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, where we laid out and explained this incredible miracle.
- Now listen very carefully…the moment the full GLORY of God fills us to overflowing capacity…that moment is our LAST moment of great GLORY. This is the last one. You may say, “what about the Revival, the harvest of souls, and the Rapture?” The reality is this: from the moment that the GLORY of God fully transforms us, we would no longer live in time.
- You would not even know you have a body because the moment of GLORY when we are filled with God’s GLORY is the beginning of our ETERNITY, living in the GLORY of God. From that moment on, right throughout the Revival to the Rapture, we will live in the fullness of God’s GLORY. At the Rapture, the Lord gives us a new body, a spiritual body, like Jesus’ own body to possess forever—throughout eternity; EVERY moment of eternity is a moment of great GLORY. The moments of glory become innumerable.
- Even as we move into the timeliness of ETERNITY on the new earth, everything that we experience will be experienced in the fullness of God’s GLORY, being with the Lord on the new earth and heaven forever! From the moment that God pours His GLORY into the last-day Church and
thereby raises up the glorious Church, from that moment on GLORY is overflowing upon us and through us for ALL eternity! The only change is when we get our new spiritual bodies in the Rapture.
- The glorious Church will take authority over the earth and ALL that is in it—we will rule and reign through Christ Jesus, we will bring in the end-time harvest, and we will gather together and look up as the Lord comes down to receive us in the Rapture. Our GREATEST moment of GLORY is when God fills us with HIS GLORY to reap the end-time harvest of souls. After that, every moment is a moment of FULL GLORY. Really, that is where our ETERNITY truly Where God turns this miserably defeated Church into a holy, eternal, glorious Church!
Now we see that our moments of GREAT GLORY will be innumerable, unending, perfect, precious, and truly glorious for ever and ever! Hallelujah!! Oh, how we praise you Lord, for this! Thank you Lord!
Follow our “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, Tuesdays at 12p ET on our YouTube channel and GHM home page.
Watch our latest clip entitled: Spotlight: It’s Time to Answer the Call of Prophetic Destiny! 02-21-23.
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