Our Moments of Great Glory!
Time itself is one of the most important things about natural life. The Lord introduced time with the creation of Adam. He said, “let there be light,” thus time was introduced with the creation of light.
The Earth was scheduled to have a 24-hour rotation of light and darkness. We see the connection here between light and time, which together form the boundary of the earth. We are NOT able to surpass the reality of time and light.
We are NOT capable of operating beyond this two-fold boundary of our cosmos. Scientists will tell you that if they could speed up an object to rotate faster than the speed of light, this object would disappear from view. It would no longer be seen because it would have entered the spirit world. This is very fascinating to us!
- Oftentimes during the course of our Christian lives, we have to be patient with the Lord in what He is doing in our lives. And so, we often feel as if the Lord is slow in all that He is doing. Actually it is the other way around. The spirit world can only be entered once you surpass the speed of light—and that is pretty fast!
- Of course, God is the only Person who can control ALL of creation, including light and darkness based on a 24-hour schedule. In the days of the prophet Daniel, the Lord told Daniel that He would shorten time in the latter days of creation. That prophetic event began at the middle point of the 7 millenniums of our time.
- We have observed different instances in recent times where the Lord accelerated time, even during this final generation of the Church Age. As we are rapidly approaching the end of the Church era at the Rapture of the Church, we are going to witness many occasions when God will shorten the TIME. This is true for 2 reasons:
- We are in the final years of the final generation of the Church.
- There are so many glorious end-time events which must still come to pass between the present time and the Rapture.
- Acts 1:7 in the Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC) translation describes to us some of the inner workings of TIME. Firstly, it talks about the things and events WHICH TIME BRING TO PASS. Here we see the power of TIME.
- We have talked about this many times before, and we described this process in our flagship book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, which is:
every future event of time has been built into time at the beginning of creation!
- If we could step outside of time, we would see that EVERY event of the FUTURE, until the end of time (Dispensation 9), has already occurred! It is baffling to our minds, but God manifested those events of the future in the spirit, and then every event was downloaded into TIME, so that as time expires, it will bring EVERY future event into manifestation!!
Think of TIME as a large conveyor belt that is coming toward us, and all the future events of TIME are on this conveyor belt. When these events reach us, they manifest! Of course, it is difficult for us living in a finite world to imagine infinite realities. Yet time is the conveyor of future events. If the devil could only understand this, he would have given up long ago!
- God actually created ALL the future events of Earth BEFORE lucifer was first created. How can the devil oppose God and challenge God’s end-time plan, which was built into TIME EVEN BEFORE lucifer was made? It is ridiculous for the devil to think he has got any chance at all!
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: God’s Climax of the Ages – Part 5! 02-12-2023.
- Click to watch this short clip, entitled: Spotlight: The Glorious Church is the Army of the Lord! 02-14-23.
- Secondly, as we refer back to Acts 1:7 (AMPC)…it talks about the events of time and their DEFINITE periods, or FIXED years and SEASONS (their critical niche in time)…going on to say, that the Father has appointed (FIXED AND RESERVED) by His own choice, authority, and personal power!
- All future events have been precisely designed, calculated, and downloaded into their EXACT moment of TIME, which is their EXACT moment of MANIFESTATION—their critical niche in time! This has been a highly specialized job of how God pre-planned and calculated EVERY event of the FUTURE to the very MOMENT of MANIFESTATION of each event, and then the Lord transferred that into TIME. None of the future events of time could ever fail or fall short of their guaranteed moment of manifestation. How I wish the Church could learn this!
- Everything about God is an absolute surety, including the exact manifestation of every FUTURE event in time. This is SO glorious! If the Church would embrace this great truth, we would not doubt God, nor anything about His end-time plan for the Church.
- So-called “prophetic” people in the Church have been screaming forever that the devil might destroy the world. They have written so many religious scarecrow books, pumping fear into the Church all the time. They range from…
- “the Church would suffer the tribulation” to “the very strong probability of nuclear war wiping out the earth,” and every other dumb religious scarecrow idea you can imagine.
- There is NEVER going to be a nuclear war!
- There is NO future destruction of this planet by either man or the devil.
- There is NO creature in the universe who has the power to challenge God’s integrity, His plans, and purposes, nor His times and seasons.
- The future for us is clear! The great Climax of the Ages is NOW before us!!
- Over the last 5 weeks on our Sunday broadcasts, the Lord took us through the examination of His end-time plan of GLORY for the Church and the world. There are many moments of GLORY, designed by God before time, which are about to hit the earth!
- These moments of GLORY were pre-determined and pre-prepared by the Lord BEFORE time, to manifest in OUR time.
- This is where we are today.
- This is the point in time at which we have now arrived.
- We are literally moments away from our GREAT MOMENTS OF GLORY in these last days! All this is set before us, now!!
- Go back to the first lesson of “God’s Climax of the Ages! 01-15-2023” series, which we broadcast on Sunday, January 15. Listen to it again because in the first lesson we examined and laid out all the important time sequences and time cycles which explain to us WHY we have arrived in the final short years of the Church Age.
- Here is what we need to know: the times and seasons of God can never fail—and right now here, in the early part of 2023, we are about to reach a moment in time that will trigger a series of GREAT MOMENTS OF GLORY. This series of glorious moments and events will take us all the way to the Rapture of the Church—the greatest moment in human history! Oh Lord, help us and prepare us for the great moments of the great glorious events here at the time of the end of the Church Age!!
We are about to reach THE moment which will trigger the start of all these
forthcoming glorious moments to take us to the end!
Lord, get us ready for all this…the GREAT MOMENTS of divine destiny for the Church of the final hour, which is US!!
Follow our “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, Tuesdays at 12p ET on our YouTube channel and GHM home page.
Watch our latest clip entitled: : Spotlight: The Glorious Church is the Army of the Lord! 02-14-23.
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