I Weep for the Church!

Jun 11, 2024


I Weep for the Church!

Sometimes in the church world, we don’t realize that all of the five-fold ministry of Jesus is SUPERNATURAL! Unfortunately, most ministers don’t know that the ministry of Jesus lives in their spirit man.  They consistently strive to operate Jesus’ ministry from their intellect.

Subsequently, the body of Christ has also begun to think that Jesus’ ministry is intellectual and that it resides in the soul man. Nothing could be further from the truth!




  • When the Lord first called me to the ministry of Jesus, He patiently walked me through the process of surrendering my all to the Lord—spirit, soul, and body. As we see in the prime example of the Apostle Paul, Jesus’ ministry is brought forth from our spirit man by Holy Spirit breathing and blowing it through the mind—right out of our mouths and our hands.

  • I have been privileged for over 40 years to be a vessel of the ministry of Jesus, in my spirit. Over the years, the greatest thing to me about the ministry of Jesus residing in my spirit man is the impartation of a never-ending flow of God’s supernatural agape love and the tender compassion of Jesus’ heart. For many years, I have been a recipient and a vessel of God, as He was constantly blowing His love and compassion from my spirit out through my soul and body. It is SO incredible and SO SUPERNATURAL!
  • This great flow of God’s love and compassion is not only in manifestation when I minister; oh no, it is CONSTANT. A new flow may erupt at any time, day or night. The tenderness of the love and compassion of Jesus is indescribable. I do often mention this in my preaching. Thank you, Lord, for the tenderhearted love and compassion of Jesus that lives in my spirit, as a born-again child of God. However, in the ministry of Jesus, this same Godly compassion exists in greater multiple levels and deeper dimensions through the ministry of Jesus in my spirit.
  • Every time a fresh flow of God’s love and compassion bursts forth from my spirit, I begin to weep for the Church. What I often experience through Holy Spirit from within my spirit is so deep, so kind, and so tender!
  • Many times, I just sit at my desk and begin to weep with the deepest care, kindness, and loving goodness of God. I would literally shake and feel as if my heart were bursting for the Church. Through Holy Spirit and from the ministry of Jesus, I am oftentimes so deeply and completely overpowered by God’s compassion that I can only sit here in my office and weep and weep and weep for the Church!
  • The Words of the Spirit would just begin to roll off my tongue. It is as if I could hear Holy Spirit speaking through my spirit, doing so in unison with my spirit, pleading for the Lord’s help to rescue and save the Church from any harm or judgment. This flow of God is so PURE and so WONDERFUL, but it has absolutely nothing to do with my own soul or my own emotions.
  • God’s flow of compassion, through Jesus’ ministry, starts from deep within the human spirit. Personally, I often found myself weeping for the Church so that she would hear the TRUTH of ALL of what is burning in God’s heart today. I would literally beg the Lord to help the Church understand the prophetic time that we live in today, and that she, the Church, would comprehend the depth of the urgency of the hour!


  • By and through the Spirit, I can only weep for the Church, HOPING that she would understand the seriousness of our soon-coming judgment by God’s FIRE. From my heart, I often seek and consult with the Lord as to anything that I could possibly do to help the Church avert the soon-coming judgment of God.
  • I wish and pray today that God will give you understanding and even revelation of how the Spirit of God is pleading for the Church through my own spirit. Of course, I am not the only one. God wishes to manifest His special compassion through all the five-fold ministry. Personally, I understand if sometimes people think I am harsh, judgmental, or angry—but truly, it is none of the above.

  • Every time we start our Sunday broadcast, I am calm, excited, and ready for what the Lord may say through me that day. Then, as we began to  speak about the soon-coming judgment of the Church, and as we read the Word of the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 12, I suddenly experience the sternness and anger of the Lord as it begins to flood me from my spirit. It all comes from within.
  • As much as I am definitely not the person producing the intensity and anger of the Lord during the broadcasts, I am also affirmatively not the one responsible for producing the amazing flow of God’s love and compassion through my spirit. It is all the Spirit of God, and He brings it forth through the ministry of Jesus. I cannot think of any day in my life when I am not experiencing the Lord’s compassion for His beloved Church. I WEEP FOR THE CHURCH ALMOST EVERY DAY!

  • Heavenly Father, in the precious name of Jesus, I humbly bow before You. I bring to You the Church of the First Born, whose names are recorded in heaven. I pray for the beloved of Christ on the earth at this time. I pray, Lord, that supernaturally You would open the eyes of the Church so that she will clearly see herself backslidden and fallen away from the Spirit of God.
  • Will You please help her, Lord, and bring her back to finding the very Person of Holy Spirit and walk with Him in fellowship and truth? Further, I pray for the Church that You may open her eyes to the things that she needs to repent of in order to avoid the soon-coming FIRE and judgment of God.

  • Father, I pray that through Your Spirit, You may help us ALL to escape God’s judgment FIRE and promptly be escorted directly into the purifying FIRE of God. Subsequently, may You also pour Your GLORY into us, filling us from head to toe with Your OWN glorious SELF, thus instantly turning us into the last day GLORIOUS CHURCH of the Lord Jesus Christ. THEN, EVERYTHING WILL BE WONDERFUL! The glorious Church would seize the harvest of billions of souls from around the world, and Jesus would promptly appear on the clouds of glory to receive us ALL unto Himself!
  • Thank you, Father. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Yet every day, I shall continue through the compassion of Jesus to weep for the Church until we all see Him, our precious Lord Jesus, FACE TO FACE, in the clouds of glory. I pray all this in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah and amen!


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Watch our latest clip entitled: Spotlight: How Did We Ever Lose the Fear of God? 06-11-24.   

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