As we accelerate on our journey together toward destiny, Gabriel Heymans Ministries is elated to introduce our new book: TRUE Christian Living!
The moment you’ve been waiting for is HERE!
Just click the image below to get your softcover version today, easily accessible on our user-friendly “NEW Bookstore.” In December, the eBook and audiobook versions of TRUE Christian Living will be available for purchase, having just wrapped up our in-studio audio recording session.
Also available TODAY for purchase are all three versions of our two previous book releases, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, and TRUE Christianity!
Here’s why our TRUE Christianity book had to pave the way first:
It’s truly amazing how the Lord orchestrated a perfect chronological flow from our previous book, TRUE Christianity, to our follow-up, TRUE Christian Living.
- If you haven’t already done so, I kindly urge you to promptly acquire and read TRUE Christianity first, since TRUE Christian Living is the second part to TRUE Christianity.
- TRUE Christianity is God’s urgent call to the Church to discover God’s true life as lived in God’s Holy Spirit, thus forsaking all types of religious Christianity.
- In TRUE Christianity, we fully explore all about the apostolic truth of true Christianity, as well as expose the entire system of antichrist Christianity.
Here’s why TRUE Christian Living is THE must-read, follow-up book!
TRUE Christian Living is TRULY the “how to” for living A REALITY WALK WITH HOLY SPIRIT!!
- This unique book shows the Church “how to develop” a revolutionary lifestyle of living TRUE Christianity every day!
- After making the conversion from the entire “system” of antichrist Christianity, you will begin living “true” Christianity EXCLUSIVELY in God’s Holy Spirit.
- Today, we are rapidly approaching the global outpouring of God’s Spirit on all people to produce Jesus’ end-time harvest of billions of souls.
- A lifestyle of TRUE Christian Living is the burning cry of God’s heart to the Church—to prepare for God’s great CLIMAX OF THE AGES!
Stay tuned for updates on our next book in final editing, The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God—available to you by year’s end!
During this season of change at GHM, we will soon transition our LIVE stream Sunday broadcasts from Facebook LIVE to YouTube LIVE.
Click this YouTube link to subscribe, and watch all the videos on our Gabriel Heymans Ministries TV channel.
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