God’s Chosen Remnant!
Everything in life comes down to a series of choices. God did not want to have human robots, because that would defeat the objective of giving us choices concerning ALL the issues of life.
As such, since the fall of Adam, man was introduced to a new choice in life—God. Even throughout the Old Testament, people were confronted with the basic choice of good or evil.
History clearly shows the failure of people to make the choice for good and not evil!
- Since the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, all of mankind is given the wonderful choice of eternal salvation. Jesus bought and paid for it!
- Despite all that Jesus suffered and accomplished for us, salvation and eternal life still comes down to all people making the choice for…
- eternity with God, OR
- eternity spent in damnation.
- The Church, in many ways, has correctly presented the choice of salvation—especially since the Reformation with Martin Luther in the year 1517.
- Throughout the past 500 years, God raised up powerful ministries to preach the gospel of salvation correctly to the lost which is: You must choose Jesus as your savior and accept His salvation into your heart.
- Today in the American Church, we see the truth of salvation is firmly established.
- Since 1957, a powerful gospel message has been carried all over America through the ministry of Billy Graham, thus bringing a new awareness to the Church altogether, as to the importance of preaching the pure message of salvation.
In addition to making the choice of salvation, the Church at large does not offer many additional choices while living the Christian life.
- Click to watch last Sunday’s broadcast, Who Are God’s Chosen People? 10-23-2022, and watch the video Spotlight: The Final Choice of the Final Hour! 10-25-22.
- Apart from choosing a life of sanctification and choosing faithful support of the Church itself, that is where it ends.
- In the Spirit-filled Church, we offer the biblical choice of Holy Spirit baptism, speaking in other tongues, as well as choosing the supernatural works of God such as healing and even miracles.
- However, the most important choices in the Christian life are concerning hunger for God, seeking His presence, and living the life of the spirit.
- This passionate way of walking with God personally is greatly absent from the Church today.
- It is hard to find Christians today who have made the choice to pursue spiritual hunger and personal fellowship with the Lord, which comes ONLY through a close walk with the Person of Holy Spirit.
- To be backslidden from the Lord is often described as having fallen back into the world and sin, which is true; however, since the Joy revival of the 1990’s, the “revival” Church has lost her passion and hunger for the Lord, thus becoming lukewarm.
- The Church today, at best, is lukewarm—which is a place and condition of danger! God said to the lukewarm Church that He would spew her out of His mouth (Revelation 3:15-16). This is still true today!
- At this critical time when the Church is lukewarm, we are faced with and presented with the GREATEST choice offered by God to the Church in over 2,000 years.
- It is the choice of becoming God’s remnant people for the final revival of the last days of the Church.
- This choice is one of the most important messages of our ministry also, especially over the last two years, as we have fervently presented this critical choice to the Church.
- At this late hour, we must face the choice of quickly becoming God’s remnant Church.
This is the most urgent and most glorious choice EVER offered by the Lord to His Church.
- God’s choice of salvation is available for EVERY lost person in the earth, likewise, God’s choice to become the remnant Church is available to EVERY born-again Christian.
- Making the choice to become God’s remnant Church will have lasting consequences of GLORY for us throughout this end time revival until the soon return of Jesus!
- Of far greater result, making the choice to become God’s remnant will produce rewards and eternal glory of riches and greatness in God’s eternal kingdom that are unimaginably great!
- What a choice—and what an opportunity for us to make this choice!
- As a ministry, we had to answer the Call to present this message to the Church. We will continue until the end time revival begins to present the choice of becoming the remnant Church in everything we do and preach.
We pray in Jesus name that everyone who hears this message will make the CHOICE to become God’s last day remnant.
What a great CHOICE and what great GLORY awaits us.
Our destinies are wrapped up in the life of the remnant Church!
- “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, posted every Tuesday at noon ET on our YouTube channel and on our GHM website home page.
- Watch the latest clip entitled, Spotlight: The Final Choice of the Final Hour! 10-25-22.
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