Celebrating GHM’s History of the Gold and Glory!

Jul 9, 2024


Celebrating GHM’s History of the Gold and Glory! 

July 7 through July 14, 2024, is a special week of celebration for us here at GHM! Next Sunday, July 14, marks the 7-year anniversary of the very day I started to write our flagship book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution, often referred to as the “handbook.” I noted the date of July 14, 2017, when I started the book and referenced it on page 18.

Long before the internet, websites, and domain names, God introduced me to His gold and glory truth. Today, there are “gold and glory” websites everywhere. God’s gold and glory concept of truth forms the foundation, and is the essence of God’s last-day plan for the Church and the world. What the Apostle Paul calls in Ephesian 1:10 “the climax of the ages” (AMPC) is what we refer to as God’s “last-day gold and glory revolution.”

The truth of God’s gold and glory came to me by revelation on Tuesday, August 17, 1993. I was in the process of teaching on Holy Spirit at a revival service in a church in Spindale, North Carolina. Suddenly while teaching, the church and the audience disappeared and were replaced by the most beautiful gold-filled room you could ever imagine!

As my voice became strangely distant from my own ears, I could hear myself preaching a different message—a new message. For approximately an hour plus, I kept staring at a “replica” of the innermost sanctuary of Solomon’s Temple called the “Holy of Holies.” God allowed me to look at the beauty of the gold and glory-filled Holy of Holies of Israel’s first temple.

When the vision finally ceased, the scenery was replaced by the original one. Instantly, the church was back, and I was standing on the platform. Everybody was shocked because they had heard a different message come out of my mouth. But according to people’s testimonies, I stood in one place the whole time and seemed like I was removed from reality. It took several months for me and for my mind, as well as several conversations with the Lord concerning the experience, to come to an understanding of what had happened.

Two years later, in 1995, the Lord told me to write a book and title it “The Gold & Glory of the End-Time Church.” The purpose of this book was to explain God’s end-time plan for the gold and the glory. The book finally saw the light on June 7, 1996, and by the grace of God, it has been distributed in many countries around the world—some of them in nations where I personally preached during the Joy Revival days. God’s last-day plan for the gold and glory revolution is a UNIVERSAL plan! It starts with the Church, but in its progression, it will include EVERY human being on the face of the earth!!

In our broadcast next Sunday, July 14, we will CELEBRATE the book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution! If you do not have a copy, I humbly request that you purchase this book from our online BOOKSTORE in any of the three available formats. While this book includes me and our ministry, it was nevertheless produced by the Spirit of God. I humbly confess, and I know that, in addition to the Word of God, I believe this is THE most important book God has ever written through a human being because of the urgency of God’s last-day universal plan of His gold and glory for all nations of the world!

I hope that you will quickly acquire a copy of this book if you do not already have one. It is the sincere prayer of my wife, Apostle Shellie, and myself, and our ministry. I also personally dream of seeing every child of God all over the world with this book in hand in the near future. In addition to getting this book and studying it with Holy Spirit’s help, I pray that every one of you will also reach out to other Christians. Please become a carrier of the good news of God’s gold and glory revolution. If you do, God will reward you—both in this life as well as throughout all eternity!

This week and especially next Sunday, July 14, help us celebrate the miracle of this book and the multiple miracles of God for these last days, which are contained within the pages of this book. Let’s all gather together as one!

May God bless you mightily, and He will, for being a part of God’s last-day gold and glory revolution. Go back and read this book once again. HOLY SPIRIT WILL GIVE YOU BRAND NEW AND FRESH REVELATIONS FROM IT, AS ONLY HE CAN!

Please join us for next Sunday’s broadcast on July 14, and also invite other Christians to celebrate with us THE GREAT PLAN of God’s gold and glory revolution for the final days of Dispensation 7 (the Church). Soon it will end gloriously in God’s global end-time harvest of billions of souls and the appearance of the Lord Jesus on the clouds of glory for the Church Rapture, which is THE MOST GLORIOUS EVENT OF THE AGES, in Jesus’ name! Thank you, and God bless you.


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