True Warnings! A warning of any kind in our natural daily lives is something serious. The intention behind it is good, in most cases. Perhaps you are trying to warn someone about potential traffic or impending danger. Warnings from God, on the other hand, are...
Weekly Insights
The Season of Warnings!
The Season of Warnings! With the start of the new year of 2024, we here at GHM also entered a new season of ministry, such as we have never known over the entire course of 40 years of ministry! During the last few months, the Lord began to speak to us about the...
The Golden Cross of Calvary!
The Golden Cross of Calvary! The wooden cross is a symbol known to man since ancient civilizations. In the Christian world, the wooden cross is THE symbol of man’s salvation. Born of the Father on October 2 of the year 1 B.C., a new man—never created before—was...
Prosperity Belongs to the Church!
Prosperity Belongs to the Church! Financial prosperity is part and parcel of the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. For many years in the Church world there was very little said about finances and prosperity. When the TRUE message of Christian PROSPERITY...
New Testament Prosperity!
New Testament Prosperity! The 2,000-year history of the Church bears witness to the fact that the antichrist spirit was able to assume leadership of the Church, around A.D.95-96. The Apostle John gave a clear warning to the Church that the antichrist spirit was...
The Truth about Holy Spirit!
The Truth about Holy Spirit! Talking about the truth of God is SO important to every Christian's life. The PURE truth of God simply sets us FREE from EVERY bondage and deception! GOLD & GLORY FLASHPOINT 1: Over the last three weeks, the Lord...
What is God’s Truth?
What is God's Truth? The message from our “Weekly Insights” e-Truths delivered to you on Wednesdays is usually a continuation of our previous Sunday’s broadcast. However, over the last few weeks, the Lord has led me in a different direction regarding the weekly...
Walking in God’s Divine Truth!
Walking in God's Divine Truth! Last week’s study revealed to us the flow of God’s divine truth. Here is something that is so incredibly important to every child of God—walking in the divine truth of the Lord! Last week’s message entitled, God’s Flow of Divine Truth,...
God’s Flow of Divine Truth!
God's Flow of Divine Truth! When you talk about the things of God, for instance, the truth of God, you are dealing with something completely different. The truth of God is not intellectual or sense oriented. God’s divine truth is 2 things: It is a REAL SUBSTANCE, like...
Jesus the Sovereign Ruler of Earth!
Jesus the Sovereign Ruler of Earth! I trust all of you have had the opportunity to watch our November 12th Sunday broadcast. I believe the recognition of Dispensation 6 as Jesus' time of dominion on the earth is CRUCIAL! The enormity of revelation the Lord has brought...