Weekly Insights

Standing Steadfastly in the Truth!

  Standing Steadfastly in the Truth! In the modern world of Christianity, and specifically in the United States, it is easy to be a Christian. You join up with the denomination that you agree with, and would hardly―if ever―need to defend your faith. In the days...

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Endless Supply!

  Endless Supply! The Apostle Paul told us that the “law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, has set us free from the law of sin and death.” Every person on this earth knows that we live in an environment of imperfection. Our planet, the earth, is ruled by...

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  REFRESHING! Refreshing is one of those essential things of life. Refreshing, in addition to refreshing our bodies, is also needed for our soul man―as well as for our spirit man. Natural refreshing for the body is simple and easy. Just drink some liquids,...

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MOST Significant Moments in Time…Continued!

  MOST Significant Moments in Time...Continued! In last week's “Weekly Insights” e-Truths, we embarked on a journey of walking through TIME to pinpoint particular moments of greatness. No journey undertaken through time can be successful IF we fail to understand...

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MOST Significant Moments in Time!

  MOST Significant Moments in Time! As people, we do not live long enough to TRULY appreciate the GREAT moments of the history of mankind—much less the history of our own personal lifetime. Imagine the impact of life experienced and the weight of history felt by...

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The Power of Partnership!

  The Power of Partnership! Let's take a moment to talk about one of the MOST powerful blessings God has given to the Church. It is the blessing of spiritual and financial partnership. Spiritual partnership takes place when a child of God is greatly blessed by...

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The Fire Walk!

  The Fire Walk! One of the most difficult and misunderstood things in Christianity is the “prophetic.” Confusion regarding the prophetic has led to much disappointment and frustration over the years. Subsequently, a vast number of Christians have simply walked...

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Recent Weekly Insights

Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
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