Weekly Insights

The Beauty of America!

  The Beauty of America! As we celebrated Memorial Day this past weekend, we rejoiced again about the goodness of God for our country, the United States of America. Over the years, I have been SO richly blessed by all of God’s GREAT PLANS and PURPOSES for America...

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The WONDER of Israel!

  The Wonder of Israel! The nation of Israel is one of the greatest marvels of history. Here is a nation that is 4,000 years old―a nation whose entire history has been recorded throughout time. It all began with a humble beginning and with an ordinary man, just...

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Time Manifests the Future!

  Time Manifests the Future! Time is one of those things in life that reminds us that not everything is visible or even tangible. We all unanimously agree that time exists, yet it cannot be seen. Time is the carrier of life. Time is like the track on which the...

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Seek Understanding of God’s Timetable!

  Seek Understanding of God's Timetable! Since we published God’s Gold & Glory Revolution in 2020, the Lord has provided such an abundance of knowledge, revelation, and even warnings concerning the time in which we live. I am beginning to think that from week...

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A Time for the Ages!

  A Time for the Ages! In today’s time, we cannot spend enough time talking about time. One of the most natural things to know is the TIME. You simply look at the clock, and you know what time it is. One of the greatest things to know about God’s kingdom is...

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The Mystery of Time!

  The Mystery of Time! Mankind has always been fascinated with TIME. From the earliest times in the past, people have recorded time and the passing thereof. God used Moses in a spectacular way to record the progression of time from Adam until Abraham—a season of...

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God’s Best Blessing!

  God's Best Blessing! Our weekly Sunday broadcast on April 14, 2024, was exceptionally special to me, as we were literally celebrating and looking at the best things that God offers us, His children. It was also very special for me personally to have my dear...

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Solar Eclipse 2024—Prophetic Warning!

  Solar Eclipse 2024—Prophetic Warning! This past Monday, April 8, 2024, marked an historic day of great prophetic significance. A full solar eclipse was visible in the United States of America, as it traveled a path from Texas to Maine. Seven years ago, on...

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Walking with God!

  Walking with God! Does anything more need to be said about “walking with God?” Hasn’t  everything been said and taught about this subject? Religiously yes, but spiritually, no. From the standpoint of TRUE Christianity, we have NOT said nearly enough about...

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This is “Our” Time!

  This is "Our" Time! On Friday, May 14, 1948, Israel declared sovereignty and was reborn as a nation for the first time since the year 606 B.C. The new independence of Israel was the fulfillment of a prophetic Word spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ. He stated that...

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Recent Weekly Insights

Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!