Weekly Insights

The Winds of Change!

  The Winds of Change! Since entering the second half of this year on July 1, we are experiencing the winds of change, and they are blowing at an accelerated pace! So much is happening in the spirit realm―and finally just beginning to manifest in the natural!...

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The Restoration of Adam’s Dominion!

  The Restoration of Adam's Dominion! In last week’s e-Truths message, we explained the truth about Adam’s dominion. Of necessity, we took extra time to thoroughly explain the TRUTH of what had happened to Adam’s dominion when he and Eve fell into sin. We also...

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The Dominion of Adam!

  The Dominion of ALL Poverty! The word dominion requires some scrutiny. Dominion means several things, such as domain (possession of property) and complete ownership. Ownership also includes the power to change anything in the earth and the ability to build,...

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The Eradication of ALL Poverty!

  The Eradication of ALL Poverty! From the time that God turned my life around through a Holy Spirit visit in my room on September 22, 1979, I became fixated on ONE particular thing. Starting my new walk with God in 1979, I discovered this overwhelming desire and...

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The Great Comforter is our Destiny!

  The Great Comforter is our Destiny! In chapter two of our book TRUE Christianity (pages 11 and 12), we described a terrible situation that occurred in the Church around the year A.D. 90. If you have the book, please read it again. This horrible incident took...

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Have You Heard About the GREAT Comforter?

  Have You Heard About the GREAT Comforter! During his first visit to the city of Ephesus, the Apostle Paul was surprised to find some true Christians in the city. He quickly learned that these Christians were recently born again under the ministry of Apollos....

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Seeking the Great Comforter!

  Seeking the Great Comforter! When we look back in history to Jesus’ time on the earth, we need a thousand years to look into a portion of all that Jesus said and did. Let’s consider for a moment the final evening of the Lord’s life in freedom before His arrest...

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I Weep for the Church!

  I Weep for the Church! Sometimes in the church world, we don’t realize that all of the five-fold ministry of Jesus is SUPERNATURAL! Unfortunately, most ministers don’t know that the ministry of Jesus lives in their spirit man.  They consistently strive to...

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The Voice of Holy Spirit!

  The Voice of Holy Spirit! The voice of God’s Spirit has always manifested the desires and will of Father God. Since the days of Adam and the creation of man, the third person of the Godhead, Holy Spirit, has represented the Godhead by speaking and manifesting...

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Recent Weekly Insights

Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!