Weekly Insights

The Blind Spot of Prophetic Times!

  The Blind Spot of Prophetic Times! A few weeks ago, I invited everyone to pursue a new path of finding TRUTH. We started to talk about TIME―that is, “natural” and “prophetic” time. Once we conclude this study on “prophetic time,” we will talk about the Lord...

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The Blind Spot of TIME!

  The Blind Spot of TIME! A few weeks ago, I invited all our readers to join me on a new journey of finding TRUTH. By the leading of the Lord, we set out on a new expedition to find relevant TRUTHS of the Christian life. Our first step on this new journey was a...

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Take TIME with Natural TIME!

Today, we reconnect you with our first message on "TIME" from our "Weekly Insights" e-Truths 09/11/2024 Edition, so that we can continue next week to move from "natural" TIME to "prophetic" TIME! Please take TIME with natural "TIME," to receive all that the Lord has...

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Life or Death—Choose Now!

  Life or Death—Choose Now! We interrupt our journey on finding truth, which we have pursued over the last two weeks in our “Weekly Insights” e-Truths. We will step away today from our message on “TIME,” which we started last week. God willing, we will continue...

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  TIME! Wait a minute…do you have a second? The reality, or maybe even the revelation, JUST hit me literally moments ago! I get it NOW!! But I think I was wrong about TIME. Yes, all THIS time, I have been wrong about it all. See, I have been teaching the Church...

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The Quest for REAL Christian Truth!

  The Quest for REAL Christian Truth! TRUTH is a word that can mean a thousand things to a million people. Not only does truth in itself mean a million things in our modern society, but also today there are millions of KINDS of truth around the world. Over the...

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Supreme Ownership!

  Supreme Ownership! In 1 Peter 5:8, the Apostle Peter says that our "enemy," the devil, walks everywhere, looking throughout the earth to see whom he may devour. This statement is never TRUER than it is today! Let’s just take a moment and examine satan’s work...

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The Dominion of Ownership!

  The Dominion of Ownership! The Lord wants to talk to us a little bit about the “dominion of ownership.” Dominion simply means to have full control and sovereignty. Sovereignty of itself denotes ownership. Therefore, I believe we are talking here about God’s...

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The Supreme Dominion of Jesus Christ!

  The Supreme Dominion of Jesus Christ! A few weeks ago in our “Weekly Insights” e-Truths, we talked about Adam’s dominion in the earth. We learned that Adam’s dominion was NOT LOST when he fell into sin. We also learned that the devil does NOT possess any...

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