Weekly Insights

God’s Unsearchable Riches!

God's Unsearchable Riches! When we talk about the unsearchable riches of God, we are comprehensively combining into one all that lives and exists within God. Eternity could never be long enough for us to experience ALL the unsearchable riches of God! In last Sunday’s...

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Our Eternal Inheritance!

Our Eternal Inheritance! Throughout the last 2,000 years, the system of antichrist Christianity has robbed the Church of so many blessings and revelations. When it comes to eternity it is impossible for us to have revelation of our future eternal existence with the...

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Remnant Resurrection!

Remnant Resurrection! As we approach the end of 2022, spiritually speaking, we are entering a new world with God every single day! We are rapidly speeding towards the final years of the Church on Earth. We are 75 years into the final generation. According to the Word...

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God’s Chosen Remnant!

God's Chosen Remnant! Everything in life comes down to a series of choices. God did not want to have human robots, because that would defeat the objective of giving us choices concerning ALL the issues of life. As such, since the fall of Adam, man was introduced to a...

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The Fire Warnings Are Over!

The Fire Warnings are Over! Serving in the ministry of the Lord Jesus is always an incredible privilege. The Apostle Paul says the Word of Christ, the New Testament, is meant for teaching, correction and even rebuke when needed. God's Word throughout time is filled...

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God Will Answer by Fire!

God Will Answer by Fire! During 40 years of ministry, I have encountered numerous supernatural experiences with the Lord. This is nothing to boast about since these events took place in the process of the Lord providing spiritual revelation needed for the Church. To...

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4 Warnings of God’s Impending Fire Judgment!

4 Warnings of God's Impending Fire Judgment! On Tuesday, January 3, 1995, the Lord visited me in a special way to show me the last day revival that will produce the great harvest for the Lord's return. This revival will consist of 2 separate outpourings of the Spirit....

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The Season of Fire & Judgment!

The Season of Fire & Judgment!  Tuesday, January 3, 1995, was the amazing day when the Lord visited me supernaturally to show me the FIRE and GLORY revival of the last days! This experience was very similar to the way in which the Lord visited me on Sunday,...

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God’s Special Gift to His Remnant!

Special Gift to His Remnant!  On Sunday's broadcast, we spoke about the greatest revelation that we, the Church of the Lord, can receive on Earth. Click to watch the broadcast, The Secret of the Great Mystery of Christ! 9-18-2022. This GIFT is the great mystery, the...

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The Anointed Heart!

The Anointed Heart!    The word "heart" is one of those multi-purpose words in society. Even in the Church and in scripture, we find different applications of the word, heart. In the New Testament epistles, the word heart can sometimes refer to the human spirit....

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Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!