Reflection on 40 Years of Ministry!

Apr 25, 2023

 Reflection on 40 Years of Ministry!

Let us reminisce for a moment about the past 40 years of the ministry which the Lord has graciously given to me.


Not for one moment will I take any credit for what God has done over this 40-year period.


Reflecting on glorious ministry experiences…

In our last Sunday broadcast message, “Celebrating 40th Ministry Anniversary!” we talked about how I met Holy Spirit in a hotel room in Sydney, Australia, on Saturday, September 22, 1979.

It is impossible for anybody to come face to face with the Person of God and not be instantly transformed.

In our broadcast, I also mentioned the visitation of God to me as a Pastor on Sunday, October 19, 1986. It is SO amazing to reflect back over all that the Lord has done. I remember feeling so inadequate, arriving here in America on Wednesday, June 8, 1988.

Click to watch our last full Sunday Broadcast: Celebrating 40th Ministry Anniversary! 04-23-2023.

Click to watch our short clip: Spotlight: 40-Year Ministry Celebration—Now Begins A New Season of God’s Glory! 04-25-23.

The first Church I preached in and declared a new season of the outpouring of God happened to be in the small town of Taylor, Texas. From the first Sunday evening that I preached, Holy Spirit began to fall on the people. Everyone was so excited. The Pastor rejoiced with me, and he told me that the Lord was going to take me all over this country to bring this outpouring of refreshing to His people. It all came to pass! 

Shortly afterwards, I ended up in Daytona Beach, Florida. It was just a house meeting, but it exploded. The outpouring had begun! The meeting was moved to a much larger house and the people kept pouring in.

A visiting Pastor from Cleveland, Ohio, scheduled a week of meetings, as well as a Pastor in Frankfort, Kentucky. In every one of these meetings, the rain of the Lord continued to fall. Returning to Daytona Beach, I was promptly scheduled to hold a revival meeting in one of the Word churches.

The next few years took me across America, and across the globe to South Africa. Even there in my home country of South Africa, the outpouring of the Lord began to fall. It was happening everywhere and in every meeting! I think about some of the most exceptional experiences that I witnessed during those revival days.

The momentum of the outpouring of the Spirit continued to build until it finally exploded for us in April of 1993. The revival meeting in April of 1993, in Jupiter, Florida, manifested a true explosion of this new move of God. Jupiter—it was truly, out of this world. The next 6 years was one big blur. Meeting after meeting, day after day—morning, and night! 

In hindsight, naturally speaking, how is it physically possible to conduct over 600 revival services and do that for 6 years in a row? The morning meetings would last between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and the evening services would last on average from between 7:00 p.m., and 1:00 am! Physically, how does one do this for 6 years in a row and live life, travel, and take off 1 week a few times a year to rest a little?

This revival explosion was all supernatural—it was God! I knew that the same anointing that was flowing in the meetings and through my hands was the same anointing that gave me truly supernatural strength to maintain this busy schedule. To God be ALL the GLORY!

Then, I think about the true miracles…open person’s whole spinal column was rearranged by the Lord…and able to walk again! In another meeting, God healed a woman whose spinal column was fused together by the doctors. Afterward, she started running around the building, and subsequently, they never found the metal plates that the doctors had originally placed in her back!

In Canada, a woman who had polio as a child, whose right leg was 6 inches shorter than the left, amazingly was healed by God on the spotWe literally saw her right leg shoot out and grow. Years later, she wrote to our ministry to say from that day on, she could wear normal shoes and she is still healed today!

God healed so many people of spinal problems in the meetings. This kind of healing is not a miracle because the Lord simply adjusted the back and healed it so that the legs would become straight. In some of the meetings, the Lord had me call out those suffering with back problems, and sometimes I would pray for up to 100 people in that manner, in one meeting.

In a church in Dalton, Georgia, while I was praying for back problems, one of the gentlemen who sat in the chair opposite me for prayer told me that he was in a motorcycle accident years ago. He said that he did not think praying for his legs to be level would work since surgery had caused one leg to be 2 inches shorter than the other one. So, of course this would not be a healing; this would require a miracle. I said to him, just let me pray anyway, and as I put his legs together to measure them, the shorter leg shot out 2 inches and was perfect! The man went wild and ran all over the building!! Later on the doctors confirmed that he had received a miracle in his leg. Oh my God—all the miraculous things over so many years! 

Our associate Pastor, Tim Whitmore, was in the meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, when we prayed for a man who had cancer in his lymph nodes. The doctors had given him a few days to live. We prayed, and the next day he began to eat! The doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis were astounded. That was 1998, and this man is still alive and well today! 

Back in 1992, God sent me a prophetic word that people would be healed of AIDS in this ministry in the future. Five years later, in September 1997, we saw the first manifestation of healing from AIDSI will never forget the first healing manifestation. A young man who weighed about 75 pounds and at death’s door was immediately hit by the power of God when I prayed. He went home and started to eat. He was completely healed of AIDS and cleared by the doctor’s testimony that he had received a miracle! There were many more to follow…

I recall a meeting in Orangeburg, South Carolina, with such a miraculous healing of AIDS. One of our board members, Buddy Adicks, was in this meeting with me when an African American woman came up for prayer for AIDS. Buddy can bear testimony to the truth about the physical state of this woman. Her skin had this gray, ashy color, and you could see that she was dying. I prayed for her. She was on the floor for a long time. I remember people carrying her out of the meeting at the end of the night.

The next evening, I asked for testimonies of what God had done during that week. An African American woman, who was well dressed and well presented, raised her hand. She jumped up on the platform and grabbed the microphone praising God! I think I had never been this shocked in ALL the years of ministry. Of course, none of us recognized this woman. It was the same woman from the night before! You are talking about a complete transformation in 24 hours…from death to life! In all the amazing miracles we have seen over the years, this one caught us all by surprise. Hallelujah!

Forty years of ministry…there is so much to tell. Many times people would leave our meetings so completely under the anointing, intoxicated by God’s Spirit. Over time, many of them in different locations would leave the meetings, drive home, and get pulled over by the police. In every case, the police officer could not understand how they could be so intoxicated, yet have NO alcohol in their bloodstream! In one particular city, the police would send 10-15 squad cars to the meeting, and wait outside the meeting from around 10:00 p.m., until finally everyone had gone home. These officers would wait for drunk people to come out of the service, and one of the officers would be a designated driver to drive people home.

I reflect on the times when singers and worship leaders would dance right off the stage in midair, yet not fall. I reflect on the times people could not get up or move out of their chair, or the floor, for hours. Jokingly, I would offer them $1,000 or $2,000 to get up—but they could not. At times on different occasions, some of them would roll on the floor under the power of God…and roll down the stairs, off the stage…and then roll right back up the stairs while everyone gasped in awe!

I remember some special miracles...a young girl totally blind in her right eye was instantly healed. I remember healings where growths would fall off peoples’ bodies. And one evening, a 17-year-old girl had a growth on her eye the size of a quarter. The growth disappeared in one moment!

I remember the Joy Camp Meetings. The facility where the meetings were held had so much room at the altar, on the sides of this building, and all the way to the back. Some nights we would line up everybody who wanted the touch of God. I would just pray a simple prayer and almost 1,000 people would be knocked out by the power of God. Absolutely amazing signs, wonders, and miracles of all that God had done!


When the Lord came to me in 1986, He told me that two end-time Revivals would come to the earth before Jesus returns. Chapter 2 of The Global Outpouring of the Fire of God, details the Lord’s supernatural visitation to me. From 1987-88, all the way through 2005, we witnessed the full manifestation of the Revival, which God had shown me that day on October 19, 1986. IT ALL CAME TO PASS! All of this—so much GLORY to God and the GRACE of God over my life for 40 years of ministry. I just want to fall on my face and say, GLORY, GLORY, GLORY, to God forever! How great is the Lord!


Forty years of God’s supernatural Grace in my life!

Rejoicing over what is before us NOW…

This all brings us to where we are today. As great as all of what God had done in the past, there is nothing that could EVEN BEGIN to compare to what is before us NOW!

In 1988, when I first began to prophesy about the Revival, Pastors and Christians thought I was crazy. But it was God, and it all came to pass. Today, many may think we prophesy in vain, as we declare the soon arrival of that second Revival, which God had promised. The greatest moment of the climactic season of ALL human existence is before us NOW!

Who will believe the works and wonders of what God is about to do next? As great and glorious as the last 40 years have been, they are ONLY the beginning of God’s great, glorious end-time visitation on the earth!

Will we dare to prepare, even at this late hour, for the Spirit of God to be poured out upon all flesh?
To God be ALL the GLORY! Amen!!


Follow our “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, Tuesdays at 12p ET on our YouTube channel and GHM home page.

Watch our latest clip entitled: Spotlight: 40-Year Ministry Celebration—Now Begins A New Season of God’s Glory! 04-25-23.

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