We’re Making History

Jul 21, 2021

We're Making History • God's Gold and Glory Revolution • Gabriel Heymans Ministries • Teachings for God's Gold & Glory RevolutionWe’re doing something that’s never been done before. Last year, we published the first comprehensive end-time discourse of God’s conclusive plan for the Church age (God’s Gold & Glory Revolution). The end is now in sight!


  • According to the words of Jesus, we’re 73 years into the final generation. Now, all that remains is the final act of God’s plan with the Church age. The greatest is now before us!
  • Paul calls it the climax of the ages. It’s not a revival, or just a time of winning souls. This is the great revolution of the ages! God will pour His spirit on every human being (Acts 2). The gospel shall be preached to every creature (Mark 16).
  • God’s FIRE will be poured out all over the earth (Hebrews 12). God’s GLORY will be poured into the new generation of the Church. Then, the most incredible miracle of all will take place:
    • The transformational power of God’s personal glory will instantly produce a glorious Church in the fullness of the measure of the stature of the Lord Jesus Himself—looking and being exactly like Jesus in this body (Ephesians 4:13)— a reality that just surpasses our ability to think.
    • This is the greatest miracle of all in these final days!
  • As great as the miracle is of God taking over the whole world, and the end time harvest of billions of souls, this is still greater than them all—the transformation into the GLORIOUS CHURCH! We’ll have full command of the earth. All the earth’s wealth will belong to us and all the gold will be in our hands. Not just the wealth, but the actual government of the earth. It’s what we’re preparing for right now. This is our focus.
  • We’re working through the War of Transformation, exposing and explaining all the false principles and doctrines of antichrist Christianity. We’re also unveiling and teaching the wonderful principles and doctrines of TRUE Christianity (click here to replay “Destroy the Veil of Deception 7-18-2021”).
    • This is our spiritual preparation and what we’re doing every Sunday in our broadcasts. The preciousness of what we’re doing is beyond our natural reasoning. It’s awesome!
    • GHM is the only ministry that we know of who freely offers on our weekly LIVE Sunday broadcasts the message of God’s plan of preparation for what will soon be upon us—the global revolution of gold and glory!


  • This is the time to stay focused. This is our future. This is our destiny. This is our purpose. This is what we’re born for. Every Christian who has the heart hunger for what God has for them in this crucial season will be drawn to this ministry by the spirit of God.
  • GHM offers you the opportunity to become a forerunner of this glorious plan of God, to be raised up as remnant…a preliminary army. For the first time in Church history there’s going to be a “pre” not “post” army. The Church has always arrived at every revival…post not pre-era. This is why what we’re doing is so amazingly glorious.
  • For the first time in 2,000 years, we’re offering a “pre” not “post” army, a “pre” (before) remnant trained and equipped before the fire and glory gets here. It’s the first time ever for a pre-remnant army to be raised up. Who in Christ would not want to be a part of this?
  • It’s just astounding to see the few that we have…but all revolutions are born with only a few people. We’re in this with our lives, for this is the calling of our lives, to revolutionize the Church—this is it, are you running with us?
  • All over the world, in every country of the world, a true remnant is beginning to rise. Are you one of them? Are you running with us? What reason could be strong enough to steal this glorious destiny from you and not focus on selling out to Holy Spirit? Run with us…this is the race of TRUE destiny!

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Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!