Weekly Insights

Supreme Ownership!

  Supreme Ownership! In 1 Peter 5:8, the Apostle Peter says that our "enemy," the devil, walks everywhere, looking throughout the earth to see whom he may devour. This statement is never TRUER than it is today! Let’s just take a moment and examine satan’s work...

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The Dominion of Ownership!

  The Dominion of Ownership! The Lord wants to talk to us a little bit about the “dominion of ownership.” Dominion simply means to have full control and sovereignty. Sovereignty of itself denotes ownership. Therefore, I believe we are talking here about God’s...

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The Supreme Dominion of Jesus Christ!

  The Supreme Dominion of Jesus Christ! A few weeks ago in our “Weekly Insights” e-Truths, we talked about Adam’s dominion in the earth. We learned that Adam’s dominion was NOT LOST when he fell into sin. We also learned that the devil does NOT possess any...

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The Winds of Change!

  The Winds of Change! Since entering the second half of this year on July 1, we are experiencing the winds of change, and they are blowing at an accelerated pace! So much is happening in the spirit realm―and finally just beginning to manifest in the natural!...

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