Weekly Insights

The Power of Partnership!

  The Power of Partnership! Let's take a moment to talk about one of the MOST powerful blessings God has given to the Church. It is the blessing of spiritual and financial partnership. Spiritual partnership takes place when a child of God is greatly blessed by...

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The Fire Walk!

  The Fire Walk! One of the most difficult and misunderstood things in Christianity is the “prophetic.” Confusion regarding the prophetic has led to much disappointment and frustration over the years. Subsequently, a vast number of Christians have simply walked...

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True Warnings!

  True Warnings! A warning of any kind in our natural daily lives is something serious. The intention behind it is good, in most cases. Perhaps you are trying to warn someone about potential traffic or impending danger. Warnings from God, on the other hand, are...

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The Season of Warnings!

  The Season of Warnings! With the start of the new year of 2024, we here at GHM also entered a new season of ministry, such as we have never known over the entire course of 40 years of ministry! During the last few months, the Lord began to speak to us about the...

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The Golden Cross of Calvary!

  The Golden Cross of Calvary! The wooden cross is a symbol known to man since ancient civilizations. In the Christian world, the wooden cross is THE symbol of man’s salvation. Born of the Father on October 2 of the year 1 B.C., a new man—never created before—was...

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Recent Weekly Insights

Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!