Fresh Glory
“Weekly Insights” e-Truths
We are the Last-Day Church!
We are the Last-Day Church! God’s Word has a lot to say about the last days! Jesus, angels, prophets, and apostles all spoke concerning the last days of the CHURCH. Jesus promised to return for His Church. Two angels confirmed the promise at His ascension....
What about the 7 Years of Tribulation?
What about the 7 Years of Tribulation? This week is our second lesson on the subject of the “Last Days of the Church.” To refresh your memory, during the last few months, we have explored four new pathways of TRUTH. Surely, we have done a lot of walking,...
The Time Period of the Last Days!
The Time Period of the Last Days! Over the last few months, we have been exploring different routes of spiritual truth. On our first pathway, we reexamined the reality of biblical times. We found that the word “time” appears more than 600 times in the Bible. We...