
Thanksgiving from the Heart!

  Thanksgiving from the Heart!  Our recent broadcast on Sunday, May 7, was a departure from everything we do on a Sunday during our weekly “Shock & Awe” broadcast. Usually, during the week prior to the LIVE Sunday broadcast, Holy Spirit would give me Sunday’s...

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The Final Season of Grace!

  The Final Season of Grace!  All people of all nations of the earth are intrigued by the message that the earth will come to its end. How many stories have we read? And how many movies have spelled out in full color the destruction of the world and the end of...

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Reflection on 40 Years of Ministry!

 Reflection on 40 Years of Ministry! Let us reminisce for a moment about the past 40 years of the ministry which the Lord has graciously given to me. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY! Not for one moment will I take any credit for what God has done over this 40-year period....

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The Mysteries of Christ!

  The Mysteries of Christ!  It is a shocking reality to me that 2,000 years after Jesus left this planet there is so little truth known about Him. We encourage you to go back over the last 2 weeks of our full Sunday broadcasts: Jesus’ Journey through Eternity and...

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Our arsenal of Spirit-led books contains the revelation and power that today’s remnant army of
Holy Spirit believers need to be equipped and ready for
God’s final end-time Revolution!