Times and Events!

Mar 11, 2025


Times and Events!

Recently, the Lord reminded me of the importance of living correctly in time. Considering time, the Church is like a grown-up who never went to school. A thorough teaching on all the different times of God is not something that the Church grew up with.

I believe the Lord wants to help us to fill the gaps in both understanding and operating correctly in the times of God, thus living a successful Christian life in faith.





  • Over the next few weeks, we will explore the different issues of time as the Lord highlighted these different aspects of time to me recently. Concerning time and events, these two realities are like a marriage that is eternal. Time and events equal life, and in order for life to exist, the marriage of times and events will go on forever.
  • We are going to look at some of the most essential realities concerning times and events. We will divide this entire study into three categories:
      2. NATURE
  • Firstly, NATURAL TIME (LIFE). We take it for granted that we know how natural time works. However, we did not understand natural time automatically. Oh no! Since early childhood, we began progressively to learn how natural time works. How does it work? Natural time operates through the combination of many different time cycles all working together to become natural time. Every individual cycle of natural time is like a link in a chain. Without all the links in place, there would be no chain. This is exactly how time operates!
  • Here are some of the most important cycles of natural time: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months, totaling one year. All those cycles are needed in order to put together one year. Every year, we do the same thing in order to pass through one year. But now we need more than that. We need to know that 10 years is a decade. Ten decades is 100 years, or a century―and on and on. As time in the past continued to unfold, mankind was faithful to continue counting the years. This is the reason why time today makes sense to us. 6,024 years have expired since the beginning of natural time. Essentially, this is how simple natural time is—even a young child already understands the basic cycles of natural time. But of course, we had to first go to school as children, thus learning all the different cycles of time!
  • Secondly, when we look at NATURE, it gives us both a confirmation as well as a clear picture of time. We rise in the morning, and the sun comes up. We know we have approximately 12 hours of daytime and then 12 hours of nighttime, which equals one day. We understand the concept of weeks and months, so we have learned that there are four seasons in every year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Since we understand both natural time and nature, we can accommodate and PLAN every year in detail, down to every day, and also, we can plan ahead for the four seasons of nature. In summer, we wear summer clothes. Towards the end of summer, we run to the store and buy new winter clothes. Since we know time and seasons, we can PLAN AHEAD and be prepared for everything at the beginning of each year.


  • Thirdly, unbeknownst to the Church at large, the same thing is true concerning Bible times, or more correctly, PROPHETIC TIME. The Church is always searching for more prophetic words in order to find out what God is going to do. However, if the Church was able to understand the prophetic times by virtue of knowing the prophetic times, we WOULD KNOW the PROPHETIC PLANS of God, and we WOULD KNOW the THINGS OR EVENTS of God that will SOON come to pass. Why is that so hard to believe? We have no problem with natural time nor with nature itself. So, we know what day it is tomorrow, and the weather forecast tells us what the day in nature is going to look like.
  • Natural time is simple, and it is common sense once you have learned all the cycles of natural time. Again, the same thing is true about nature, the seasons, and the weather. Considering prophetic times, let me remind you again that here in prophetic times we did not go to school. People in the Church at large live their entire Christian life on earth without being schooled in the operations of prophetic time or the times of God. Let me say it again. If we were raised and brought up in progressively studying prophetic times, today we would know and understand the events of God that will soon be forthcoming. Remember, times and events are joined together in a matrimony of life, that is, natural life, and in nature.
  • I invite you to walk along with me over the next few weeks as we may receive from the Lord a little bit of schooling about prophetic times. In natural life and in nature, the events occurring are married to a specific timeline. The sun rises in the morning and sets at night. The day is 24 hours long. In nature, the forecast tells us if there is going to be wind, rain, sunshine, or snow. We know what life is like and what nature is like because we know both the times and events of natural life and the time and seasons of nature. Just imagine how smart we would be once we clearly know the times of God. Let’s join up and walk together studying prophetic time through the wonderful schooling of Holy Spirit! Then, we will be able to predict the spiritual weather or climate just as we do with the weather forecast and also in the same manner as we can plan and schedule tomorrow and events into the future!
  • We are able to do this because we know how natural time rotates and how the four seasons unfold every year. So get ready! We are going to take an inside look into the secrets of prophetic time. Once we come to a full understanding of prophetic time, we will understand what God has planned for us from this very moment until the Rapture of the Church! Wow, that’s going to be AWESOME! So let’s go to school! School starts with next week’s “Weekly Insights” e-Truths teaching. We will see you next week in class! God bless.

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