The Greatest Human Miracle of All Time!
The creative acts of God over billions of years have spanned the universe. Earth itself has experienced 2 different creations:
- the pre-Adamic creation and,
- the present creation of mankind which started with Adam.
The planet itself bears witness to its illustrious history, as light on the earth can be effectively traced back several billions of years. Scientists all agree that the earth is 4.54 billion years old. Of the 2 systems of Earth’s creation, the second one is the “apple” of God’s eye, particularly the creation of man itself. THE CREATION OF MAN IS ETERNAL!
- Since before time, God provided a future redemption for man which took effect once Adam and Eve had fallen into sin. The greatest creation of any human being belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is impossible for us even today to understand the miraculous incarnation of Jesus Christ.
- We are told in the book of Hebrews that the Lord prepared a body for Jesus in the womb of Mary. This is true of the creation of every human being in the world except that the conception of all humans takes place when the seed of man merges with the seed of
woman. However, with Jesus there was NO such thing. Holy Spirit simply formed His body of Himself, not using any human seed or previously created DNA. The formation of Jesus’ body in the womb was simply a NEW creative act of God to be performed ONLY ONCE in this manner.
- As difficult as it is for us to try and understand how the physical formation of Jesus’ body took place, it is even far more restrictive for our minds to form any ideas of how the Spirit of God took Jesus in spirit form and placed Him inside the new embryo—which Holy Spirit had formed for Him in the womb of Mary.
- How did God, the second Person of God, the eternal spiritual Person of Jesus, begin to live inside a human embryo?
- Exactly how was Jesus, the Person of the Logos (the living Word of God) transplanted into a human embryo in the womb of Mary?
- It is impossible for us to understand these things within our mortal minds. We could probably write volumes on the greatness and glory of the miraculous process of Jesus Christ’s incarnation.
- Without a shadow of a doubt, the Lord Jesus becoming a man was the greatest creation of a human being—EVER! The uniqueness of His incarnation is something that could NEVER be repeated ever again!! And so, Jesus as a man, stood in a class by Himself, being void of any human DNA from Adam…yet at the same time, being the Lord from heaven who took upon Himself a human body. This miraculous creation will remain an unmatched miracle throughout ALL time and eternity!
- Now, let us consider the miracle of salvation. Since the resurrection of Jesus and His departure to heaven, the salvation of Christ is freely
available to any person who accepts the redemption of Christ by faith. The miracle creation of the human spirit in salvation is also SO glorious that it is impossible for the human mind to grasp its true meaning and reality. As the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:19, we know in part and we even prophecy in part until that which is perfect shall be revealed at the end of time.
- The incarnation of Christ and the new birth of the human spirit in salvation is something everyone, including the Church, has studied over time. Yet there is another creation of human being which in the Church world we only mention at times. In fact, the Church has never truly investigated the miracle of the third creation of human being in the earth. This creation is the resurrection of the DEAD IN CHRIST at the time of the return of Jesus in the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church!
- Over the last 4 weeks of our Sunday broadcasts beginning on January 15, the Lord has ministered to us regarding the GREATEST act of God to be manifested on this planet, EVER!
We encourage you to watch all episodes of our 4-part series on “God’s Climax of the Ages,” to get the full context of these revelatory truths.
- This act is the return of Jesus in the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the end-time Church, and the final harvest of billions of souls! A mass miracle creation of NEW human beings out of the soil will take place instantly as Jesus descends in the clouds of glory from the heavens!
- Why have we, as the Church, never examined the greatness of this incomprehensible miracle?
- Also, it will only take place in a moment of time. Can you imagine this?
- How many born-again human spirits are in heaven since the birth of the Church about 2,000 years ago? The number of heavenly believers today could be close to 1 billion people. The number really does not matter.
- Even if some may believe it is only one-half billion people, the number of the saints in heaven at the time of the Rapture is only known to God. But just imagine for yourselves and let us take a brief moment to look at this phenomenal miracle of God which will transpire in the very near future.
The wonder of “Christ’s Appearance In The Rapture” is vividly described in chapter 15 of our flagship book, God’s Gold & Glory Revolution.
- As you have followed this ministry, you may have some understanding of how short the time is until the return of Jesus. Think about this for a moment…Jesus will descend in the clouds of glory…and He will bring with Him the spirit man of every born-gain saint in heaven! In 1 split second of a moment, the Lord will recreate the bodies of all these saints out of the soil.
- This will be an entirely NEW creation of human bodies since no trace of these peoples’ bodies is still within the soil! None of it! In 1 split second, Jesus will create millions of new human beings out of the soil—that alone is mind-blowing!
- Furthermore, every one of those resurrected out of the soil will NOT have the nature of sin in their newly created physical bodies and minds. Jesus will create their bodies to be exactly like His own spiritual eternal body and mind. They will be holy, pure, and perfect!
- Can you imagine for a moment the magnitude of this miracle? Instantly, in one-half second these people will stand up out of the soil—complete and perfect for ALL eternity! I can only imagine, as their spirit man touches the soil, their new bodies would instantly appear, and they would enter them.
- One moment later all these saints from heaven will be standing on the earth perfected for all eternity. Their bodies and minds will be exactly like Jesus, a spiritual body—immortal, incorruptible, pure, and perfect, FOREVER!
- Think about that for a moment. We are talking here about the greatest human creation of ALL time! Not only will brand new bodies emerge from the soil for these saints of heaven, but also these bodies will be perfect like the body of Jesus…and all this happens in about 1 second! Can you just stop and think about this for a moment, my God! What a miracle of a creative act of God!
- This has NEVER happened before. This will NEVER happen again. Yes, on the last day at the end of Dispensation 9, a second resurrection will take place in the earth. But the second resurrection is not unto honor, or glory, rather it will bring the dead to life and judgment before the great White Throne of God. This is the second resurrection of the dead, and thank God we will never have any part of that event.
- But the first resurrection, the greatest and most glorious human creation of all, is not only a reality but also it is a few short years away from today!
- Yes, we will see Jesus come in all of His GLORY, descending from the heavens.
- Then, we will witness the GREATEST human creation of ALL, which is close to a billion of brand-new human beings instantly created out of the soil, unto all perfection—every one of them looking exactly like Jesus!!
- Paul tells us on different occasions about the reality of this great human creation of God. Surely, we need to pause for a moment and consider this great miracle. How is this possible? How did this actually happen? Nearly 1 billion people will instantly rise out of the soil unto all perfection for all eternity! Again, this will be the GREATEST human creation of all time—the resurrection of the dead in Christ at the coming of Jesus in the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the saints! Wow, what a miracle, and we will all see it with our own eyes!!
- Click to watch our last full Sunday broadcast: God’s Climax of the Ages – Part 4! 02-05-2023.
- Click to watch this short clip, entitled: Spotlight: God’s Greatest News for Us Before Jesus’ Soon Return! 02-07-23.
- Now, we have not even considered the second great miracle of that moment, which is that within a twinkling of an eye, we which are alive and remain will receive the same miracle, standing on our feet! This will be a miraculous transformation of life, such as the dead in Christ has just received a moment before. Our miracle will be an instantaneous transformation!
- As for the dead in Christ, it will be instantaneous resurrection. Oh my God there is still so much for us to consider. But let us conclude with this 1 thought. Indeed, let us just pause for a moment and consider the miracle of the resurrection of the dead in Christ.
Emphatically, this will be the GREATEST creation of human beings out of the soil of this earth, and it will only take a moment of time!
Glory to God, forevermore!!
Follow our “VIDEO” Spotlight with Apostle Gabriel, Tuesdays at 12p ET on our YouTube channel and GHM home page.
Watch our latest clip entitled: Spotlight: God’s Greatest News for Us Before Jesus’ Soon Return! 02-07-23.
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