
Walking with God!

  Walking with God! Does anything more need to be said about “walking with God?” Hasn’t  everything been said and taught about this subject? Religiously yes, but spiritually, no. From the standpoint of TRUE Christianity, we have NOT said nearly enough about...

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This is “Our” Time!

  This is "Our" Time! On Friday, May 14, 1948, Israel declared sovereignty and was reborn as a nation for the first time since the year 606 B.C. The new independence of Israel was the fulfillment of a prophetic Word spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ. He stated that...

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Standing Steadfastly in the Truth!

  Standing Steadfastly in the Truth! In the modern world of Christianity, and specifically in the United States, it is easy to be a Christian. You join up with the denomination that you agree with, and would hardly―if ever―need to defend your faith. In the days...

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Endless Supply!

  Endless Supply! The Apostle Paul told us that the “law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, has set us free from the law of sin and death.” Every person on this earth knows that we live in an environment of imperfection. Our planet, the earth, is ruled by...

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  REFRESHING! Refreshing is one of those essential things of life. Refreshing, in addition to refreshing our bodies, is also needed for our soul man―as well as for our spirit man. Natural refreshing for the body is simple and easy. Just drink some liquids,...

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